How to Lose 8 Pounds

How to Lose 8 Pounds
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A weight loss of eight pounds does not have to be frustrating. It takes dedication on your part, but with a combination of diet and exercise, you will reach your goal. Weight loss is achieved when you create a negative calorie balance. One pound of weight loss equals 3,500 calories. Calories come from the foods you eat and supply energy for your activities. When you eat more than you use, your body stores the excess as weight. The key, then, is to eat what you need and burn off the stores you already have. This does not happen all in one day, in the same way the excess weight didn't come on overnight. Be prepared to say goodbye to the eight pounds within six to eight weeks.


Step 1

Reduce your daily calorie consumption by 10 to 15 percent.
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Reduce your daily calorie consumption by 10 to 15 percent, or by approximately 250 calories each day. Eat foods from a variety of sources such as fruits, vegetables, lean meats, beans, eggs, low-fat dairy and whole grains.

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Step 2

Increase your daily activity level by participating in a minimum of 30 minutes of aerobic exercise,
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Increase your daily activity level by participating in a minimum of 30 minutes of aerobic exercise such as walking, cycling, swimming, jogging, dancing, cross-country skiing and rowing, to burn approximately 250 calories each day. For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, you'll burn 261 calories with a 30-minute walk. Burn the same number of calories by weight training for 30 minutes with short rest periods, which also increases your metabolism. Or, perform aerobic dance for about 25 minutes to burn 250 calories.


Step 3

Maintain your diet and exercise routine for eight weeks to lose eight pounds safely.
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Plan to lose one pound a week if you eat 250 less calories each day and burn 250 calories each day for a total of 3,500 calories in a week. Maintain your diet and exercise routine for eight weeks to lose eight pounds safely.


Step 4

Reduce your incoming calories and burn off calories for a total amount of 28,000 calories to lose eight pounds. Increase your daily activity level to burn a higher number of calories each week.


Stay focused on your goal and do the daily work required to reach it.


Check with your doctor before you adjust your diet and exercise program.

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