Can I Drink Peppermint Tea With Ciprofloxacin Antibiotics?

Peppermint tea may help relax you while taking antibiotics.
Image Credit: Steve Mason/Photodisc/Getty Images

The antibiotic ciprofloxacin treats or prevents different types of bacterial infections, including anthrax. It belongs to a group of drugs called fluoroquinolones. No matter the reason your health care profession prescribes ciprofloxacin, you should not drink caffeinated products, such as tea, coffee, caffeinated soft drinks and energy drinks, or chocolate when taking the drug. However, peppermint tea and other herbal teas usually do not contain caffeine.


Fighting Infection

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Doctors may prescribe ciprofloxacin in tablet or liquid form for patients to take twice a day. Extended-release tablets for long-acting effects treat certain types of urinary tract infections. Like other antibiotics, ciprofloxacin works by killing bacteria that cause infections, but does not work on viral infections, such as colds and flu. Peppermint tea has been used to provide immune system benefits to fight the common cold or flu, the University of Maryland Medical Center notes. The herbal tea also soothes the stomach.

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Caffeine Free

Antibiotics, including ciprofloxacin, make the effects of caffeine stronger, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information. Drinking or eating products with caffeine, such as chocolate, while taking ciprofloxacin may increase nervousness, anxiety, heart pounding and sleeplessness. Peppermint tea comes from caffeine-free peppermint leaves. However, when buying herbal teas, check the ingredients to make sure they do not contain caffeine. Although herbal teas are usually caffeine free, some manufacturers may advertise products as herbal teas, but include small amounts of caffeine.



Peppermint works effectively as a decongestant to help treat colds and flu, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Peppermint tea helps loosen phlegm, soothe sore throats and calm coughs that may accompany the cold and flu. If you experience the effects of the cold or flu while taking antibiotics, you can drink peppermint tea. The herbal tea also contains potassium, calcium and vitamin B to help fight against viral infections.


Soothe and Relax

Peppermint tea may also soothe your stomach if you have stomach pains or diarrhea, side effects that may occur when taking ciprofloxacin. The tea may relieve tension and induce relaxation. Whether the benefits come from the warmth of the tea or the ingredients in the tea to help provide calmness, peppermint tea, in its natural caffeine-free form, may help you while recovering from infection. Check with your doctor when taking ciprofloxacin, to find out what foods or medication interact with the drug. Peppermint tea contains vitamins and minerals, including calcium. advises you to avoid vitamin and mineral supplements, antacids with calcium and dairy products within six hours before or two hours after taking ciprofloxacin.
