Does Calcium Interfere With Clindamycin?

A jug of milk sits on a bail of hay in a barn with cows in the background.
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Calcium, an essential dietary mineral, is the most abundant mineral in your body, and 99 percent of it is in your bones, according to the Linus Pauling Institute. The remainder plays a role in conducting nerve impulses and muscle actions through its function as an electrolyte, or charged ion particle. Calcium from food or supplements can interfere in the proper absorption of some classes of antibiotic medications. However, calcium is not known to interact with clindamycin.



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The drug clindamycin belongs to the antibiotic class of medications referred to as lincosamides. Clindamycin works by slowing or stopping the growth of resistant bacteria that typically cause infections of the lungs, skin, blood and female reproductive organs. Other uses of clindamycin might include treating acne or ear infections, and it can be prescribed as a preventative for endocarditis, or heart valve infections. Dosing varies based on the condition being treated. Clindamycin is available in topical, oral or intravenous forms.

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Calcium and Antibiotics

The antibiotics in the class that includes clindamycin are not known to interact with calcium. However, quinolones and tetracyline forms of antibiotics can interact with calcium. When he prescribes antibiotics, your physician will likely explain the potential interactions and adverse effects associated with the particular medication. Taking calcium, along with the noted antibiotics, might slow the absorption of the medication into your body, thus reducing its intended bacteria-killing effects. Separating the time you take medications from the time you take supplements or foods high in calcium by two to four hours can reduce the risk of interactions.


Clindamycin Side Effects

You may experience side effects from clindamycin, including nausea, vomiting, heartburn and joint pain. Serious side effects include rash, hives, blisters, difficulty breathing and yellowing of the skin or eyes. Clindamycin might also react with medications used to prevent diarrhea or if taken with other antibiotic classes. If you experience side effects while taking clindamycin, report them to your physician.


Additional Considerations

Calcium-rich foods include dairy, leafy green vegetables and beans. Consumption of calcium from food sources is generally safe, but exceeding the daily recommended intake of calcium from supplements increases the risk of health complications. If you take calcium supplements, inform your physician before taking new prescription antibiotics. Although interactions with clindamycin and calcium are not common, each person responds to medications differently. Additional medications that might interact with calcium include diuretics, and cholesterol-lowering and blood pressure medications.
