The Nutritional Value of Moong Dhal

Moong dal calories are low, they're also low-fat but high in protein.
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Moong dal beans are also known as dal beans, green gram or simply mung beans (when mature). They are very similar in shape, size and texture to split peas and lentils. Moong dal nutrition is a good addition to your diet. Their calories and fat are low, and they're also high in protein.


Moong dal beans are yellow in color and are peeled after being split in half, which means they have one rounded side and one flat side. They are easy and quick to cook and, like other legumes, are a rich source of nonanimal protein, fiber and many other nutrients.

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Moong Dal Nutrition

Moong dal calories and moong dal protein consist of 212 calories and 14.2 grams of protein. Moong dal also supplies about 15.4 grams of fiber and just 0.768 grams of fat per 1 cup (202 grams) of boiled, unsalted, mature beans, according to USDA FoodData Central. While most adults in the United States get enough protein in their diets, it is still recommended that they get their protein from varied sources, including nonanimal sources.

Moong dal has a wide array of important vitamins. It is rich in calcium, potassium and different members of the vitamin B complex, such as folate.

Dietary fiber is useful in the body. It can help reduce the levels of cholesterol in the body as well as prevent such dietary complications as diverticulosis and constipation, according to the Mayo Clinic. A high-fiber diet is also likely to make you feel full with less food, thereby reducing the risk of overeating.


The vitamin B complex is very important and consists of vitamins that help your body to create glucose by breaking down carbohydrates in order to produce fuel that is usable by your body. Folic acid, in particular, helps the brain to function properly and is also important in the creation of DNA.

Folic acid is also an important part of maintaining good emotional and mental health. Apart from the B vitamins, moong dal also contains other vitamins, such as vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K.


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Health Benefits of Moong Dal

Moong dal contains many antioxidants that are known to be good for the body, including caffeic acid, cinnamic acid, phenolic acids, flavonoids and many others, according to January 2014 review published in the Chemistry Central Journal. These antioxidants are effective at neutralizing free radicals, which are potentially harmful molecules in the body.



Moong dal beans are a good source of B vitamins which means they help maintain the brain's health, according to a February 2016 review published in Nutrients. The eight water-soluble B vitamins are vital for brain function such as signaling molecules, energy production, the synthesis of numerous neurochemicals and signaling molecule genomic and non-genomic methylation and DNA/RNA synthesis and repair.

A March 2014 study published in Evidence-Based Complementary Alternative Medicine showed that the antioxidants in moon dal beans (vitexin and isovitexin), as well as the fiber and protein, can help insulin work more efficiently and help lower blood sugar levels.


Moong dal beans can help you feel fuller after eating them, which can help you eat less and maintain a healthy weight (or even lose weight). The May 2014 review published in the Obesity Society found that people felt an average of 31 percent fuller after eating legumes like beans rather than other foods like bread and pasta.

Moong dal beans are high in folate, which is important during pregnancy. The National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements recommends that pregnant women 19 years and older get 600 micrograms of folate per day. Women who are not pregnant need 400 micrograms of folate per day. USDA FoodData Central indicates that 1 cup of moong dal beans will provide you with 321 micrograms of folate.


Eating moong dal beans on a regular basis is a great way to add more plant-based foods to your diet. A May 2017 study published in the Journal of Geriatric Cardiology showed that eating a plant-based diet is a vital way to improve health and reduce the risk of a variety of chronic illnesses.

Moong dal beans are a perfect addition to a vegetarian diet due to the high protein levels in these beans. According to a February 2018 study published in Food & Nutrition Research, moong dal beans are easy to digest, making them (in combination with cereals) a perfect way to increase the healthy protein intake of a vegetarian.



Mung Beans and Bad Cholesterol

A May 2014 review of 26 studies published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal concluded that eating a serving (130 grams or about 2/3 cup) of legumes on a daily basis considerably lowered blood LDL cholesterol levels.

High blood pressure is a serious problem that increases your risk of heart disease. Because of their magnesium, potassium and fiber content, moong dal beans may help to lower blood pressure, according to a June 2016 study published in the International Journal of Home Science.

Moong dal protein and fiber content are high, so moong dal beans can help suppress the hormones that trigger hunger, such as the ghrelin hormone. Moong dal calories are also low, so when you eat them you're not consuming a lot of calories but you'll feel fuller, which can help stop you from overeating. They can help curb your appetite, thereby reducing your overall calorie intake and aiding in your weight loss journey.

Mung beans have plenty of different nutrients that may aid your digestive health. The most significant of these is fiber, particularly a soluble fiber known as "pectin." Pectin is known to keep your bowels healthy by getting food to move faster through your digestive system, according to a small study of 80 patients with constipation, published in the December 2014 issue of Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi.

The carbohydrates in moong dal also have a higher bioavailability (they are easier to digest) than the carbohydrates found in other legumes. They are therefore less likely to lead to flatulence than other types of legumes.

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