How to Get Rid of Shaky Muscles After a Workout

Warm-up properly before you begin exercising at a higher intensity and be sure to cool-down after your workout.
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You want to see results so you consistently challenge yourself at every workout. Sweating, you finish your session only to find that your body is a bit shaky after exertion. This is not uncommon, especially with high-intensity exercise. Take steps after your workout to stop shaking muscles.



Eat one to two hours before your workout to and consume a sports drink during your workout if you sweat excessively or exercise longer than one hour to prevent shaky muscles caused by insufficient energy. Warm-up properly before you begin exercising at a higher intensity and be sure to cool-down after your workout.

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Step 1:  Cool Down the Body

Cool down your body upon completing the high-intensity portion of your resistance or cardiovascular training workout. Cooling down with a walk or other light exercise for five or more minutes brings the blood that is in your working muscles back to your heart and core. Whatever activity you choose, keep your pace slow and easy.

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Step 2: Re-Hydrate Your Body

Hydrate your body by drinking water. Your muscles are up to 70 percent water and exercise can cause you to sweat and lose water, leaving you shaky and dehydrated. Replace fluids lost during sweating to help treat your shaky body after working out. Try not to guzzle water, but sip it slowly and consistently.

Step 3: Replenish Electrolytes After Exercise

Drink a sports drink that contains carbohydrates and electrolytes. When you exercise and sweat, your body burns carbs and loses electrolytes due to repeated muscle contraction and the process of sweating. Drinking a sports drink can get these things quickly into your body to help stop trembling after exercise.


Step 4: Stretch Tired Muscles

Stretch your muscles gently after your cool-down. Stretching can be relaxing while it lengthens the muscles of your body and improves range of motion. If your shaky muscles are due to involuntary muscle contractions after a strenuous workout, stretching can help. Hold each stretch for 15 to 30 seconds without bouncing. Stretch only until you feel a slight pull in the muscle or joint, not pain. If your shaking increases, release the stretch slightly.


Step 5: Eat a Healthy Snack

Consume a post-workout snack or small meal immediately after completing your workout, or within one hour. Choose a post-workout supplement or bring something from home. Post-exercise nutrition ideally should have 3 to 4 g of carbohydrate to 1 g of protein. Chocolate milk or a fruit smoothie made with milk or yogurt are good examples. If your workout lasts longer than one hour, consider refueling with a sports gel or sports drink during your workout to keep your energy supply up.


Read More: 4 Reasons You Might Be Trembling After Exercise and How to Prevent It

Step 6: Rest and Recovery

Rest your body. Rest allows your muscles to repair and recover from your exercise session. If you work them too soon, you can end up feeling shaky during your session, derail your progress or even injure yourself. If you are shaky, try to avoid heavy physical activity the rest of the day and take a day off from exercise if necessary.


Stop exercise immediately if you feel pain or are dizzy, light-headed or nauseous. Stop exercising if shaky muscles are compromising your form. Avoid dehydration. If you are thirsty, you already are dehydrated slightly. Avoid high-intensity exercise if you haven't eaten in many hours. Don't wait to eat after your exercise session is complete.
