The Best Types of Yogurt to Prevent Diarrhea

Yogurt with live bacteria can prevent diarrhea.
Image Credit: Lazy_Bear/iStock/GettyImages

It sounds contradictory, yet it's true: You may need to avoid milk when you have diarrhea, but a milk product can also help prevent it. Some differences among types of yogurt, such as whether it contains fruit, won't impact diarrhea. But a few factors when eating yogurt for diarrhea are important.


Greek yogurt is the best choice and, if possible, avoid brands with artificial sweeteners. Otherwise, the only thing that counts is whether your yogurt has live bacteria cultures.

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Read more: Which Type of Yogurt Is Best? The Pros & Cons of 13 Different Kinds

Live Bacteria Is Essential

Some research shows mixed results, but most evidence from solid studies indicates that live bacteria, or probiotics, help prevent and reduce the duration of diarrhea. A review published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews in May 2013 reported that probiotics effectively prevent diarrhea caused by bad bacteria.


Yogurt producers use live bacteria to ferment milk, but after fermentation, it's usually put through heat processing, which kills the bacteria. Most manufacturers add live bacteria after processing, but some brands may not, so check the label to be sure. Live cultures must be listed in the ingredients, and most manufacturers voluntarily put the "Live and Active Cultures" seal on the container, notes the University of Florida IFAS Extension.

Look for These Probiotics

Probiotics are live bacteria that contribute to your health by inhibiting the growth of bad bacteria in your intestines, supporting your immune system and aiding digestion, according to Mayo Clinic.


Many different types of probiotic bacteria are found in yogurt, but different strains of lactobacillus and bifidobacterium are most commonly used. You'll see names on the label such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis. One type of probiotic that is especially effective for diarrhea is Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, or more simply LGG, according to an article published in August 2014 by Microbial Cell Factories.

Greek Yogurt For Diarrhea

The natural sugar in milk — lactose — is the reason most milk products should be avoided if you have diarrhea. Diarrhea makes you temporarily intolerant to lactose, but yogurt helps restore the good bacteria that are flushed out with diarrhea, according to Cleveland Clinic.



Once again, the key is to choose brands that contain active and live cultures. These bacteria break down some lactose during fermentation, and they continue converting lactose to lactic acid in your intestines, so yogurt is well-tolerated. Greek yogurt is your best choice because it's strained to remove a large amount of lactose-containing liquid.

Read more: List of Good Bacteria in Yogurt


Beware of Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners may have laxative effects, including diarrhea, bloating and gas, according to Harvard Health Publishing. These unpleasant side effects are likely produced from byproducts left over as sweeteners are metabolized, which cause diarrhea by pulling extra water into your intestine. The sweeteners most likely to create problems are sugar alcohols and tagatose, which is made from lactose.


The most common sugar alcohols you'll see on the label include sorbitol, xylitol and manitol, but be aware that there are at least five others in the group: maltitol, lactitol, isomalt, erythritol and hydrogenated starch hydrolysates.
