Are There Certain Foods That Stimulate Peristaltic Motion?

Fill you diet with vegetables and fresh food to help stimulate peristaltic motion.
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Peristalsis is the involuntary contraction of smooth gastrointestinal muscles that causes food to move through your digestive tract. Many things can slow peristalsis, including physical inactivity and poor nutrition.


If you experience frequent constipation, some dietary changes may be all you need to stimulate peristalsis and get things moving again.

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You may be able to stimulate peristalsis by filling your diet with more high-fiber foods, such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables and beans. Drinking more water and adding probiotics may also be beneficial.

Physiology of Peristalsis

Peristalsis begins when a bolus, or mass of chewed food, is swallowed, triggering a reflex of smooth muscle action. Nerves are stimulated in the digestive tract that cause smooth muscles to contract above and relax below the descending food, pushing it through the system.

The bolus moves from the mouth to the esophagus to the stomach, where it mixes with digestive juices and other digestive agents. From there it descends to the small intestine, where it mixes with bile and becomes chyme.

In the small intestine, chyme is processed in the duodenum, passed to the jejunum, where carbohydrates and proteins are absorbed, and to the ileum, where iron and other nutrients are absorbed. It then passes to the large intestine, where water is extracted, and out of the body through the rectum.


Factors Influencing Peristalsis

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) constipation is a symptom of slowed peristalsis. The NIDDK lists inadequate dietary fiber and lack of physical activity as two primary causes of constipation.

Other causes are dehydration, medications, abuse of laxatives and life changes like pregnancy, travel and aging. As you age, decreased muscle tone and slower nerve impulses combined with medications and decreased physical activity can cause peristalsis to slow, resulting in constipation.


Read more: 3 Ways to Understand Abnormal Bowel Movements

Diet and Peristalsis

Nutrition plays an important role in peristalsis. Dietary fiber found in whole fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains stimulates peristalsis, flushing out fats and waste. Gas-producing foods like broccoli and cabbage also stimulate peristalsis.



Drinking plenty of fluids is important because it keeps stools soft and easy to pass. According to the Mayo Clinic, women need 11.5 cups of fluids a day and men 15.5 cups. Yogurt and other probiotic foods, such as miso and kefir, contain live bacterial cultures that promote healthy intestinal flora that facilitate digestion.

Foods low in fiber, like meats, milk, cheese and refined carbohydrates, pass slowly through your digestive tract and are foods that slow peristalsis. Eat low-fiber foods in moderation, and combine them with high-fiber sources.


Read more: 19 High-Fiber Foods That Might Surprise You!

Physical Activity and Other Factors

In addition to poor dietary habits, physical inactivity can slow peristaltic action. Engaging in regular daily exercise speeds up your metabolism and stimulates the digestive process. Psychological factors like depression can slow peristalsis, as can a disruption in timing of bowel habits or lack of privacy. Pregnancy, surgery, illness and medications can also reduce peristaltic stimulus.
