How to Treat Low Alkaline Phosphatase

Low alkaline phosphatase is a rare finding on a blood test. It usually results from some sort of malnutrition and is treated by correcting the underlying nutritive cause. Supplements for protein, B vitamins, vitamin C and thyroid hormones are the usual treatment for a low alkaline phosphatase. Only rarely is it caused by hypophosphatemia, a genetic disease usually detected at birth.

Step 1

Determine if the serum blood levels of zinc are low. Low levels of zinc can lead to a low alkaline phosphatase level. Consider supplementing with zinc to reverse levels.


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Step 2

Test thyroid levels for hypothyroidism. If the thyroid hormones are low, treatment may consist of thyroid medication, such as levothyroxine, to restore levels to normal.

Step 3

Determine the levels of B vitamins in the blood. Low levels of folic acid, vitamin B-6, as well as pernicious anemia resulting from low levels of vitamin B-12, can cause low levels of alkaline phosphatase. Supplement folic acid, B-6 and B-12, if they are deficient. If anemia is present, iron or a blood transfusion are considerations.

Step 4

Look for low vitamin C in blood tests or for the signs and symptoms of scurvy, which can also cause low alkaline phosphatase. Signs include bleeding gums, weakness and anemia. Supplemental vitamin C is an easy solution.

Step 5

Determine if there are indications of excessive vitamin D, which can cause a low alkaline phosphatase. This may result from overuse of supplements. Treatment includes finding the cause of the excess vitamin D and restricting calcium.


Step 6

Determine if there are low phosphorus levels. This combination with low alkaline phosphatase may indicate hypophosphatasia. In this rare disease, the body is unable develop strong bones and teeth, leading to soft, easily breakable bones. Treatment includes support for fractures, treatment of high blood calcium, dental care and treatment of seizures with vitamin B-6, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health.

Step 7

Check the parathyroid hormones. If they are low, they could contribute to low alkaline phosphatase levels. Medications to raise the hormone levels would bring both blood tests back to normal.

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