Are There Certain Fruits to Avoid with Hives?

Hives, or urticaria, is a skin condition in which raised red welts, also called wheals, appear on the surface of your skin and is often accompanied by itching, according to Pubmed Health. If you are prone to hives, you know that some foods can trigger their apparition. Eating foods high in salicylates, amines or glutamate, which are natural compounds naturally found in many foods, especially fruits, vegetables, nuts, spices and teas, can cause your hives. The safest fruit to eat to avoid a reaction is fresh pear. Eat your pear when it is ripe and peel it to decrease it salicylate content.



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Berries are high in two of the natural food chemicals that can trigger urticaria: saliclylates and amines. Avoid eating blackberries, cranberries, raspberries and boysenberries to prevent your symptoms. Although strawberries do not contain amines, they are rich in salicylates, according to the "RPAH Elimination Diet Handbook" developed by Allergy Unit of the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney, Australia.

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Citrus fruits have a very high salicylate and amine content. Avoid all citrus fruits to keep your hives in control, including grapefruit, oranges, clementines, tangelos, lemons and limes. Stay away from juices made from citrus fruits because they contain the same natural food chemicals in even higher concentrations.

Dried Fruits

By drying fruits, the natural food chemical they contain become even more concentrated. Avoid all types of dried fruits, whether it is dried apples, dried apricots, dried bananas, raisins or dried cranberries if you want to see your hives improve.


Tropical Fruits

Many tropical fruits contain a high amount of natural food chemicals that could be responsible for your hives. Eliminate kiwifruit, passionfruit, pineapple and mango from your diet because of their high salicylate and amine content. If you eat bananas, eat them when they are just ripe because as they ripen, they amine content increase considerably and could trigger your skin problems.


Grape and Cherries

Avoid eating grapes and cherries. Grapes are very rich in salicylates, amines and glutamates, while cherries have a very high content in salicylates and amines. Eliminating all fruits with a high amount of natural food chemicals can help you better manage your hives symptoms and significantly improve the appearance of your skin.

Tomatoes and Avocados

Although tomatoes and avocados are most commonly eaten as vegetables, they actually belong to the fruit family. Like many other fruits, tomatoes and avocados both have a very high content in natural food chemicals and are associated with hives. Avoid fresh avocado and guacamole as well as fresh tomato, tomato sauces, catsup, tomato juice, salsas, tomato sauce, tomato paste and sun-dried tomatoes.


Is this an emergency? If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, please see the National Library of Medicine’s list of signs you need emergency medical attention or call 911.