Pain in the Peroneus Longus When Walking

The peroneus longus is a muscle that runs along the outer side of the lower leg. The muscle is largely a supporting muscle, but a lack of strength and certain activities can lead to significant pain when you walk.

About the Peroneus Longus

According to the Sports Injury Clinic, the peroneus longus is responsible for eversion and plantar flexsion of the foot. This means that the muscle helps to turn the foot to the outside and helps to flex the bones of the foot. The Sports Injury Clinic notes that the muscle is used daily for any walking you do on uneven surfaces. In addition, most athletes use the muscle extensively, especially those who participate in jumping sports like basketball, track and gymnastics that require flexing of the feet.


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Peroneal Tendonitis Symptoms

Pain in the peroneus longus is often the result of peroneal tendonitis. According to the Sports Injury Clinic, this tendonitis can show as pain in the peroneus longus, pain and swelling on the outside of the foot and ankle, as well as pain when the peroneus longus muscle is stretched or active.


Pain in the peroneus longus is usually due to overuse, which causes inflammation, according to the Sports Injury Clinic. The SIC notes other causes can include tight calf muscles, running along heavy slopes which cause the foot to roll out, and overpronating, or landing with feet pointed outward frequently. Taking up new sports or activities that you are not used to can result in peroneus longus pain, especially if the activity requires heavy running or flexing of the feet.



The Sports Injury Clinic recommends rest, anti-inflammatory drugs and massage to treat pain in the peroneus longus to start. A stretching and strengthening program can also help to restore range of motion and prevent injury problems in the future. The Sports Injury Clinic suggests strengthening the peroneus longus with seated calf raises and bent knee versions of the traditional standing calf raise. Stretching the calves is also beneficial and the SIC recommends performing a peroneal stretch as well. This is done by sitting in a chair with one foot on the floor and your knee bent at a 90-degree angle. Cross your other leg over the bent knee and place your ankle on the knee. Point your toes as far down as possible, then grab your foot and turn the bottom of the foot toward the ceiling as much as you can.
