Vitamins for Getting a Bigger Butt

Building muscle is hard work -- even building your gluteal muscles. It takes consistent, well-planned training, as well as a balanced diet designed to fuel muscle growth. Vitamins are an important part of muscle-building, but vitamins alone will not help you reach your goal.

Vitamins for Muscle Growth

Vitamins perform many essential functions in your body. They are organic substances that cannot be synthesized by your body, yet are needed in small amounts to perform specific metabolic functions, according to the National Strength and Conditioning Association. B-complex vitamins support the tissue of your nervous system and energy production, as well as muscular growth and function. Vitamin C is important to the growth and repair of muscle tissue. Vitamin A helps with energy, as well as protein synthesis. Vitamin D aids calcium absorption, which is essential for muscular contraction. Multi-vitamins include these vitamins that aid muscular growth, as well as others, for optimal function.


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Muscular Hypertrophy

Most people do not want to add more fat to their bodies, but rather muscle, in order to get bigger glutes. Body fat is essential in moderate amounts, but too much can increase your risk of disease and decrease your quality of life, according to the American College of Sports Medicine. Instead, you want to perform resistance-training exercises that stimulate an increase in muscle size -- also known as "hypertrophy."

Training for Hypertrophy

To stimulate hypertrophy, do three to six sets, of six to 12 repetitions, per exercise. If you are new to this type of workout, start with one exercise for each major muscle group and perform only one to three sets, building up gradually to the recommended amounts. You may perform multiple exercises to stimulate your glutes as well. Do not perform glute workouts on consecutive days, but rest at least 48 hours between resistance training sessions. You may find with this high volume of training that you work your glutes no more than twice each week.


Role of Diet

Diet is critical to building muscle tissue in your glutes, as well as proper function. All of the macronutrients are essential, but protein is what muscle tissue is made from. Consume 0.7 to 0.9 grams of protein per pound of body weight, to provide adequate nutrition for hypertrophy. Choose lean sources such as nuts, legumes, poultry, fish, eggs, low-fat dairy and lean cuts of pork or beef.
