How to Reheat a Brisket

Reheating brisket can take as little as four minutes or as long as five hours, depending on the method used.
Image Credit: NadzeyaPhoto/iStock/GettyImages

Loaded with protein and healthy fats, beef brisket is a perfect choice for all meat lovers out there. Reheating brisket takes minutes, so you can enjoy this delicious cut of beef anytime. Just cook a large batch in advance and get creative with your recipes.



Reheating brisket can take as little as four minutes or as long as five hours, depending on the method used. For best results, reheat it in the oven, or use the sous vide technique.

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Is Beef Brisket Healthy?

When was the last time you ate brisket? If you can't remember, it's time to do it more often. This flavorful cut of beef has just 132 calories per serving (3 ounces, raw) and keeps you full for hours. Rich in protein, it's ideal for dieters and gym-goers alike. Each serving provides:

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  • 17.7 grams of protein
  • 6.3 grams of fat
  • 33 percent of the daily value (DV) of zinc
  • 9 percent of the DV of iron
  • 5 percent of the DV of magnesium
  • 25 percent of the DV of selenium
  • 14 percent of the DV of phosphorus
  • 86 percent of the DV of vitamin B12
  • 11 percent of the DV of riboflavin
  • 2 percent of the DV of vitamin E

Beef brisket is chock-full of B vitamins and minerals that support optimal health. Plus, it's carb-free and has just 2.2 grams of saturated fat.

Vitamin B12, one of its key nutrients, protects against anemia and nervous system damage. It also plays a role in DNA synthesis, protein metabolism and red blood cell formation. Up to 15 percent of Americans are deficient in this B vitamin, according to the National Institutes of Health. A single serving of beef brisket provides more than 85 percent of the daily recommended intake, which may help prevent deficiencies.


This juicy cut of beef is also rich in protein, a nutrient that facilitates fat loss and muscle growth. High-protein diets have been linked to a faster metabolism, greater satiety and lower blood pressure, as reported in a review published in the August 2012 issue of the British Journal of Nutrition. Furthermore, they help preserve lean mass and reduce muscle loss during caloric restriction.

Read more: 15 of the Best Lean Animal Proteins


What makes brisket stand out is its healthy fats. According to AgriLife Today, this cut of beef is higher in oleic acid than other cuts used in ground beef, such as the flank or plate. Oleic acid, which also occurs naturally in canola oil and olive oil, may reduce total and LDL (the "bad") cholesterol levels, leading to a lower risk of heart disease.

There are plenty of reasons to eat brisket more often. It's low in calories, high in protein and good for your heart. It might even help you lose a few pounds. While cooking brisket can be tricky, it's easy to reheat it and preserve its flavor. If you make a large batch once a week or so, meal prep will be a breeze.



Reheating Brisket Is Easy

Whether you're on a diet or trying to eat healthily, meal planning can make or break your goals. You may not have time to cook every day and experiment with new recipes. The key is to prepare your food in advance and make the most out of leftovers.

Read more: How to Meal Prep for Weight Loss Like a Pro


Reheating brisket, for example, is a simple yet effective way to prepare a delicious, healthy meal without spending hours in the kitchen. With a little know-how, in fact, you can turn it into a dinner sensation.

First of all, decide whether you prefer to reheat your brisket in the oven or the microwave. Reheating it in the oven takes longer, but the meat will remain tender and preserve its rich flavor. If you have only a few minutes, the microwave will do the trick. You can also reheat it in a smoker, slow cooker or sous vide machine. Boil or steam it if you prefer to do so.


Try the Sous Vide Technique

Texas Monthly warns about the risk of moisture loss when reheating BBQ or brisket, recommending either steaming the meat or placing it in a tightly sealed plastic bag and submerging it in hot water. The latter method is commonly known as sous vide.

Heat the water to 110 to 175 degrees Fahrenheit, put your bag-sealed brisket in the pot and leave it there until its internal temperature reaches the same temperature as the water. This will ensure even cooking. A one-inch thick slab of meat takes about one hour and 34 minutes to reheat using sous vide, according to Chef Steps.


A cut of beef that's about two inches thick will take about five hours and 15 minutes to reheat. A half-inch thick slice should be ready in about 30 minutes. The thicker the meat, the longer to reheat, of course.


The sous vide technique works for most foods, not just brisket. Use it to reheat purées, soups, sauces, broths and everything in between. This method helps preserve food texture and flavor, eliminating the risk of overcooking.

Use the Oven or Microwave

When you're short on time, use the oven to reheat your brisket and other leftovers. Best-selling cookbook author Jamie Geller recommends submerging the meat in the pan sauce, covering it with a lid or foil and then reheating it in the oven at 250 to 300 degrees Fahrenheit. Once covered in sauce, the brisket can be refrigerated for three to four days or stored in the freezer for up to three months, according to the United States Department of Agriculture.

If you prefer to use the microwave, remember to first place your brisket in a microwave-safe container. To avoid overcooking, reduce the microwave power to 20 percent and reheat it in 30-second intervals. Depending on how thick the meat is, it should be ready within one to four minutes.

The downside is that you'll need to slice the brisket so that it fits into the microwave oven. On top of that, it may dry out and lose its color. However, reheating brisket in the microwave can be an option when time isn't on your side.
