The Best Way to Grind Bean Flour

Bean flour is gluten-free.
Image Credit: indiaphotos/iStock/GettyImages

Beans are a nutritious food commonly used as a side dish or in salads, soups and casseroles. Vegetarians often use beans combined with a starch like rice as an alternative complete protein source.


You can expand your bean use by making bean flours and using them in place of regular wheat flour. Bean flour is gluten-free and is more easily tolerated by people with gluten sensitivities. Commercial bean flours are often expensive, but you can grind your own at home for less.

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Things You'll Need

  • Dry beans or lentils

  • Blender

  • Air-tight container


  1. Choose the dry beans you want to make into flour. Different beans may have slightly different flavors or textures. Garbanzo, lentil, mung or navy beans are common choices.
  2. Divide the beans into smaller batches to make the process easier.
  3. Add the first batch of beans to your blender.
  4. Grind the beans on the highest setting for 30 seconds, then stop the blender and shake it around and blend again to ensure all the beans turn to powder.
  5. Empty the bean flour from the blender and put the next batch in and repeat the process.
  6. Continue until all the beans have been turned to flour.
  7. Pour the bean flour into an airtight container and store it in a cool, dry place until you're ready to use it.


  • Combine wheat and bean flours to make baked goods that need to rise.
  • Use bean flour to thicken gravies or soups.
  • Use a hand-cranked or automatic flour mill to grind your beans if you have one.
  • Crack larger beans in your blender first to make the process less challenging.
  • Roast your beans for 20 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for a nuttier flavor and to make grinding less challenging.
  • In place of a blender, you can also grind beans in a nut grinder.