Is It Bad to Eat Wheat Bread After a Workout?

Whole grains breads provide your muscles with energy.
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The basis of strength training is to break down your muscle fibers during a workout and then allow your body to naturally heal them stronger than they were before, thus preventing further damage. One of the most important parts of recovery is your diet. It is specifically important to eat after a workout, and wheat bread is a healthy choice to help replenish your muscles.


Whole Wheat

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Whole wheat is a type of whole grain food. Whole grain means the grain has not had its germ and bran removed. Whole grains are excellent sources of fiber and contain more nutrients than the refined grains found in foods such as white bread. A slice of white bread has only 0.6 grams of fiber whereas a piece of whole wheat bread has 1.9 grams of fiber.

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Wheat Bread After a Workout

While working out, you deplete a large amount of energy from your muscles. The process of recovery requires the restoration of your muscle's glycogen stores. After working out, it is best to get a meal of protein and carbohydrates. Whole grains such as whole wheat bread are extremely beneficial as they contain more fiber and protein than refined grains and deliver more energy to your body.

Other Foods After a Workout

Protein is the building block of muscle. The best protein sources are meats such as chicken, tuna, steak and turkey. Make sure to eat a meal with a good source of protein after working out. Have a starch such as a baked potato on the side and a vegetable such as broccoli, asparagus or carrots.


Along with your whole grains, make sure to drink water gradually before and after a workout. Water keeps your muscles hydrated and helps transport nutrients to your muscles, aiding in recovery. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, you should aim to drink half a gallon of water daily.
