How to Cook Turkey Franks

Image Credit: adlifemarketing/iStock/Getty Images

Turkey franks are a healthy, low-fat alternative to traditional pork or beef franks. According to Brown University Nutrition Academic Award Program, turkey franks contain 8 to 11 fat g, depending on the brand, while beef and pork franks contain 12 to 18 g. Turkey franks are prepared much the same way as traditional franks: they are usually boiled, microwaved or grilled. Preparation is simple, as turkey franks are generally precooked and only need to be heated through.


Step 1

Fill a saucepan with water to prepare boiled turkey franks. Bring the water to a boil, then place the franks in the water. Boil with the lid on the saucepan until the turkey franks are plump and hot -- about 2 to 3 minutes. Remove the turkey franks from the boiling water with a pair of tongs. Serve hot.

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Step 2

Place turkey franks on a microwave-safe plate to heat the franks in your microwave. Before cooking, prick the frank with a fork or the tip of a paring knife to prevent the frank from popping in the event of overcooking. Cover the franks with waxed paper. Because turkey franks are precooked, the franks only need to be heated through. One turkey frank cooks in 30 to 40 seconds, while a plate of four franks requires approximately 2 minutes. Cooking time varies widely among microwave ovens. Turkey franks can also be heated in a hot dog bun. The technique is no different, but a paper towel placed under the hot dog prevents the bun from becoming tough.

Step 3

Keep turkey franks cool -- either in the refrigerator or a cooled filled with ice--until you're ready to grill them. Grill turkey franks on an oil, gas or charcoal grill, with the grill placed about 4 inches above the heat source. Turn the franks often so the franks grill evenly.

Things You'll Need

  • Saucepan with lid

  • Tongs

  • Microwave-safe plate

  • Fork or paring knife

  • Waxed paper

  • Hot dog buns

  • Paper towels

  • Gas or charcoal grill

  • Cooler with ice

  • Cooking oil


Read the product's package label carefully, especially if you are on a low-sodium diet. Although turkey franks are often lower in sodium, content varies widely.


Read the directions on the package for exact preparation. While most franks are precooked, some sausages and other meat products may need to be thoroughly cooked.

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