How to Grill Fresh Tuna on a Gas Grill

Grilled tuna steak is a quick take on gourmet food.
Image Credit: gkrphoto/iStock/Getty Images

Fresh tuna steaks are a luxurious treat and a quick, easy choice for a weeknight dinner, especially if you have a gas grill. Fresh tuna looks a bit like rare beef with a color ranging from pale pink to deep reddish. Skip steaks that look dried out or have brown spots. Pair your tuna with a simple salad and a few seasonings to put together dinner in minutes.


Step 1

Move your grill rack approximately four inches above the flame. Set the heat on your gas grill to high.

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Step 2

Brush the tuna steaks with olive or sesame oil. Choose olive oil if you are pairing your fish with lemon or dill flavors; use sesame if you plan to serve your tuna with soy, wasabi or ginger.

Step 3

Season each piece of tuna with salt and pepper as desired.

Step 4

Place the tuna on the hot grill with tongs. Leave in place for four to five minutes per side, then hold vertically to allow the edges to crisp and brown, approximately two to three minutes. Increase cooking time to about six minutes per side if you prefer your tuna medium well to well done instead of rare to medium rare.

Step 5

Slice tuna into thin slices to serve. Drizzle with a simple sauce of your choosing or serve with dipping sauces and seasonings like soy sauce, minced or sliced ginger and wasabi paste.

Things You'll Need

  • Olive oil or sesame oil

  • Salt

  • White pepper


Cook in accordance with the tuna grade. For example, serve sashimi grade tuna quite rare but lower-quality tuna more thoroughly cooked.

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