How to Bake a Bundt Cake from a Boxed Cake Mix

Dazzle your guests with a kicked-up bundt cake made from boxed cake mix.

Bundt cakes make quite an appealing presentation on a dessert or kitchen table due to their simplicity and beautiful shape. Your cake mix may be homemade or from a box. Pound cake batters do especially well when baked in a bundt pan. As an added touch, chopped nuts may be sprinkled into the pan prior to pouring in the batter to add a crunchy topping. Alternatively, once the cake is baked and cooled, a glaze frosting can be poured over the cake, creating pretty drizzles of frosting along its outer surface.


Step 1

Preheat your oven according to the directions on the box of the cake mix.

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Step 2

Use a napkin to smear a thin layer of white shortening over the inside of the Bundt cake pan; you must completely cover the inner surface, especially the rounded base of the pan. You should be able to see the shortening.

Step 3

Pour ½ cup all-purpose flour into the pan.

Step 4

Rotate the pan to disperse the flour, covering all of the shortening.

Step 5

Empty the powder from the pan and set the pan aside.

Step 6

Prepare the boxed cake mix batter as directed.

Step 7

Pour the batter evenly into the prepared pan, using a rubber spatula to scrape the batter and disperse it evenly.


Step 8

Place the Bundt pan in the center of the oven.

Step 9

Turn the Bundt cake 180 degrees halfway through the baking time, or after about 25 minutes.

Step 10

Check the cake for doneness about five minutes before the recommended baking time; examine the cake as you open the oven door.


Step 11

Touch the top of the cake if the cake doesn't jiggle as you open the oven. If the cake does not feel firm, bake for 15 more minutes. If the cake feels firm, insert a toothpick through the thickest part of the cake.

Step 12

Remove the cake from the oven if you see only crumbs on the toothpick. If there is cake batter on the toothpick, bake for five to 10 more minutes.


Step 13

Check the cake for doneness again.

Step 14

Cool the cake in the cake pan on a wire rack for 10 minutes.

Step 15

Place a sheet of waxed paper over the cake pan, followed by your cake platter or baking rack.

Step 16

Invert the cake to transfer it, tapping lightly on the pan to release the cake.

Step 17

Cool the cake completely, removing the wax paper before decorating with a glaze or frosting.

Things You'll Need

  • White shortening

  • Napkin

  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour

  • Toothpick

  • Cooling rack

  • Waxed paper

  • Cake platter

  • Glaze frosting


Spruce up your cake by adding ground seasonings like ginger and cinnamon to the dry cake mix. Add liquid extracts when you add the eggs.

Incorporate nuts, coconut or dried fruit with a rubber spatula once the dry and wet ingredients have been combined.

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