How to Lose 10 Pounds a Month by Jumping Rope

A woman is jumping rope outside.
Image Credit: lzf/iStock/Getty Images

If you need to lose weight, odds are good that you want the weight to come off right now. It's normal to want to see rapid-fire results from an exercise program, but the truth is that most healthy weight loss routines are gradually paced. A rope jumping program is no exception. Although jump rope is one of the highest calorie-burning exercises, you still need to put in a significant amount of time doing it if you want to drop 10 pounds in just a month. You also need to modify your diet. Always consult a doctor before trying a new diet and exercise program.


Step 1

Calculate the number of calories you burn in a normal day without any physical activity. This is known as your basal metabolic rate, or BMR. Men and women use different equations to calculate BMR. For women, that equation is 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years). For men, the equation is 66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years).

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Step 2

Estimate the number of calories you can burn by jumping rope. A 160-pound woman jumping rope for 60 minutes will burn about 730 calories, and a 200-pound man jumping for the same period of time will burn 910 calories.

Step 3

Check with your doctor to make sure that jumping rope is an appropriate exercise for you. If you have a lower body injury, haven't been active for a long time or are obese, you may need to begin with a more moderate fitness plan.

Step 4

Jump rope each week for the amount of time necessary to lose 1.5 pounds. Since you must burn or save 3,500 calories to lose 1 pound, you'll need to burn a total of 5,250 calories per week with jump rope. In other words, you'll have to jump for about an hour a day if you weigh 160 pounds or about 45 minutes daily if you weigh 200 pounds.


Step 5

Cut 500 calories from your daily diet to lose an additional pound per week. Track your daily calorie intake either on paper or with the aid of an online food journal. Reduce calories by substituting healthy foods like fruits and veggies for processed foods, serving smaller portions, choosing water instead of empty-calorie drinks like soda and cutting out desserts or processed meals.

Step 6

Judge your progress accurately by weighing yourself before you start the plan. Weigh yourself again after your month of jumping workouts. Be aware that jump rope is a demanding, high-impact exercise that puts a significant amount of pressure on your calves and legs, so take a break or switch to a different cardio exercise if you begin to feel strain or pain while jumping. You'll still burn calories, but your progress may be slightly slower.


Stop jumping immediately if you feel any pain.

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