How to Lose Fat In Your Hands

A group of friends is exercising in the park.
Image Credit: Kane Skennar/Digital Vision/Getty Images

Some people have chunky thighs while others are stuck with fat hands. Fat-deposit spots on the body are preordained from birth. Although most people wish there was an instant magic solution, such as spot reduction, losing fat in any part of your body takes time and effort. Set some short-term goals and stick to them -- you'll be dropping a ring size soon.


Weight Loss

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Step 1

Exercise daily. Even if you only have 10 minutes to spare, some exercise is better than none. Exercising will help you lose weight in your hands in two ways -- it can provoke fat burning, and it gets the blood pumping. Any time you get your heart rate elevated with exercise, more blood circulates through your extremities per minute.

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Step 2

Cut 500 calories a day out of your current diet, and you should lose one pound a week. This might account for cutting one or two sodas or snacks daily, for example. Calorie restriction will lead to weight loss in your entire body, including your hands. The first place that gains weight will probably be the first place to lose weight.

Step 3

Schedule a visit with a board-certified plastic surgeon. If you have a slim build with only fat in your hands, a plastic surgeon might be able to help you. Although liposuction procedures for the hands are uncommon, other surgical alternatives might appeal to you. Find a plastic surgeon who specializes and is certified in sculpting hands.


Step 1

Check your hands for signs of swelling. Some people might mistakenly assume that their hands are "fat" when in fact their hands are swollen. Edema in the hands can have many causes. If your knuckles feel stiff, or a dent is left in the skin after you press down on it, chances are it's swelling, not fat.


Step 2

Alter your diet to decrease the size of your hands. Diets high in salt make the body retain more water. Select low-sodium foods and don't use table salt. Avoid foods high in salt such as canned soups, processed snack foods and pickles.

Step 3

Drink plenty of fresh water every day. Drinking water reduces swelling in the hands. Keeping hydrated helps the body flush out pockets of excess fluid. Consider also drinking natural diuretics such as cranberry juice. Cranberry juice drains excess fluid from the body that will flush out with urination.


Persistent swelling in the hands can be indicative of an underlying medical condition.
