Vitamins That Heal a Skin Rash

Woman scratching rash on arm.
Image Credit: thodonal/iStock/Getty Images

Skin protects internal organs and excretes harmful toxins from its pores. Rashes that appear on its surface may indicate a deeper illness, an allergic response to something you touched or a reaction to a virus, fungus or parasite, according to the Mayo Clinic website. Symptoms of a skin rash include redness, flakiness, bumps, painful irritation and changes in color. Improving your nutrient intake may effectively treat the problem because deficiencies can cause skin rashes.


Vitamin A

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Vitamin A repairs skin tissue and reduces reactions to toxins, actions that may prevent or treat skin rashes, according to nutritionist Phyllis A. Balch, author of "Prescription for Nutritional Healing." The beta-carotene form of the vitamin is preferred, however, if your liver function is compromised, use vitamin A instead. Food sources of vitamin A include liver, yellow fruits and vegetables, broccoli, carrots, garlic, sweet potatoes and swiss chard. Herbs containing vitamin A include alfalfa, cayenne, red clover and yellow dock.

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Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant nutrient responsible for growth and repair of skin tissue. The vitamin may also support the immune system, which is necessary to respond to pathogens that may cause skin rashes, according to Balch. Vitamin C works well in concert with vitamin E and betacarotene to eliminate free radicals from the body and should be taken together when possible. Food sources of vitamin C include berries, citrus fruits, broccoli, strawberries, radishes, sweet peppers and Brussels sprouts.


Vitamin E

Deficiencies of vitamin E are common, according to Balch, because food sources of the nutrient are relatively rare. This antioxidant vitamin reduces toxins in the body, which may heal skin rashes, according to Balch. Vitamin E may also heal skin irritations by thinning the blood to improve the circulation of nutrients and oxygen to the skin's surface. Food sources of vitamin E include olive and canola oils, legumes, nuts and green leafy vegetables. Herbs that contain vitamin E include alfalfa, dandelion, nettle and rose hips.
