Is Hemp Oil Beneficial in Losing Weight?

Hemp oil can help you reach your protein goals when trying to lose weight.
Image Credit: Ksenia Shestakova/iStock/GettyImages

If you've thought about trying hemp oil for weight loss, you should know that it hasn't been linked to positive results, states PeaceHealth. However, hemp protein may help dieters to meet their daily protein requirements and a high-protein diet sets the stage for successful weight loss.



If you’re following a high-protein weight-loss diet, protein should comprise 25 to 30 percent of your daily food intake. For a 1,500- to 1,800-calorie diet that contains 95 to 135 grams of protein, adding 15 to 30 grams of hemp protein daily may help you to reach your protein goals.

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Hemp and Hemp Oil Composition

Hemp seeds are the source material for hemp oil, and contain an impressive assortment of nutrients, according to the USDA. In addition to hemp protein, hemp seeds contain beneficial amino acids, fatty acids, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

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In fact, a January 2014 hempseed oil study, published in the American Chemical Society's Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, found that hemp contains impressive amounts of certain nutrients. Researchers identified beta carotene, along with vitamins such as A, C and E, in their hemp seed oil sample. Hemp also contains health-promoting compounds such as sterols, linolenic acids and aliphatic alcohols.

Hemp seed oil's ideally balanced omega 3 and omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids make it ideal for nutraceutical use. However, the February 2019 edition of Frontiers in Plant Science emphasizes that hemp seed oil's health-related properties are dependent on the oil's chemical composition. In turn, the chemical make-up can vary based on the hemp variety and processing technique.

The hemp plant, along with its hemp oil derivative, has sometimes been mistakenly associated with marijuana, hemp's cannabis sativa relative, states the Congressional Research Service. Although hemp and marijuana come from the same plant species, they grow from different cultivars. The two plants are genetically distinct and have different chemical compositions.


Comparing Hemp and CBD Oil

With the terms "hemp oil" and "CBD oil" frequently interchanged in product advertising and literature, getting an accurate picture of both substances can be useful. For starters, the two oils are extracted from different parts of the hemp plant, and have completely different uses, says Growers Network.

Hemp oil (also called hemp seed oil) is derived from the hemp plant's seeds. To obtain the oil, the manufacturer cold presses the hemp seeds, yielding a beneficial oil that is often used as a dietary supplement. High-calorie hemp oil contains a substantial amount of protein, along with nutrients such as vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids.


While hemp oil is extracted solely from hemp plant seeds, CBD oil is obtained from the entire hemp plant. In contrast to hemp oil's use as a dietary supplement, CBD oil contains medicinal CBD that purportedly treats varied health conditions.


As a guideline, compare the two oils' ingredient lists, suggests the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation. On the hemp oil (or hemp seed oil) bottle, you should see the term "cannabis sativa oil." On the CBD oil bottle, the terms "full-spectrum hemp oil" or "cannabidiol" should be prominently listed.


Health Benefits of Hemp Oil

Hemp oil may lend itself to varied health applications, although links for specific uses and benefits have been slow to occur. With that said, however, hemp oil has been analyzed for its potential in treating systemic inflammation, notes the May 2016 edition of Advances in Pharmacological Sciences.

For perspective, systemic inflammation can manifest itself in autoimmune disorders, diabetes, cardiovascular conditions and allergies, among other issues. For the 2017 study, researchers conducted a systematic review of experimental and clinical studies on herbs' anti-inflammatory properties.


Specifically, researchers profiled a study in which a combination of hemp seed oil and evening primrose oil was used as a multiple sclerosis (MS) treatment. The MS patients randomly consumed either a placebo or hemp seed oil and evening primrose oil blend.

During the study, the treatment group showed a substantial reduction in IFN-γ and IL-17 disease markers. The treatment group's relapse rate also showed a positive trend.


Hemp seed oil may also prove effective in treating skin disorders such as eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis, notes the January-June 2014 edition of Pharmacognosy Reviews. Hemp seed oil can effectively strengthen the skin, increasing its resistance to bacterial, fungal and viral infections.

Read more: Benefits of Hemp Oil

Does Hemp Oil Relieve Anxiety?

Anxiety-related symptoms are a common concern for many adults, notes the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. In fact, anxiety affects 18.1 percent of the United States population yearly.



Anxiety disorders can have numerous risk factors, some of which you can't control, such as brain chemistry and genetics. However, your personality and significant life events also play an important role.

If you're affected by anxiety, you might feel worried or tense, advises Harvard Health Publishing. You might also feel a sense of impending doom or fear, even when nothing is wrong. You can even experience physical symptoms such as agitation, dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath and cold or hot sensations.

Along with targeted medication, hemp oil has shown promise in treating anxiety symptoms, says the Mayo Clinic. In fact, many preclinical studies have demonstrated that hemp oil can also have anti-inflammatory benefits, and can potentially improve your sleep quality. However, more trials are needed to determine hemp oil's safety and efficacy.

Hemp Oil for Weight Loss

With ongoing interest in weight loss programs and dietary supplements, the subject of hemp oil for weight loss has captured its share of attention. Although hemp oil hasn't been shown to be an effective weight loss tool, hemp protein may play a role in helping dieters to drop some pounds, states PeaceHealth.

A high-protein diet is a pillar of many weight-loss and weight-management plans. Because vegans and vegetarians may face challenges in meeting their daily protein goals, a hemp protein supplement may provide an added boost.

If you're sensitive to dairy, eggs and soy, you may want a way to ramp up your protein consumption to encourage weight loss. Adding hemp protein to your diet can help provide your body with the daily protein it needs.

Read more: Benefits of Hemp Protein

Although hemp protein doesn't have a high protein content when stacked against other protein sources, it does contain considerable fiber. Some dieters who regularly consume hemp protein report that they feel less hungry and more satisfied with their meals. They also noted less sugar cravings.

Along with hemp protein's potential benefits, some people have reported digestive system upset after taking this protein supplement. Although hemp protein seems to break down relatively easily, it's impossible to predict whether you will experience uncomfortable digestion-related symptoms.
