What Foods Are Good for AB Negative Blood Type?

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Your blood type serves as a blueprint for the type of diet you inherently thrive best on, according to Dr. Peter D'Adamo, author of "Eat Right for Your Type." A naturopathic physician, D'Adamo developed a dietary planned based on the A, B, AB and O blood types. You are inherently meant to eat a diet similar to the one your early ancestors ate, according to the blood type theory. Currently, scientific studies to support the blood type diet are lacking.


Blood Type Diet Premise

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D'Adamo's theory is that your blood type is a unique key marker that governs your metabolism and health. According to his theory, humans of each blood type evolved to eat a particular diet. By eating a dietary plan that best suits your blood type, you can decrease your chances of developing certain diseases, including cancer, and optimize your metabolism so that you are less likely to gain excess fat, as well as feel and function at your best.

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Limit Animal Protein

Unlike Type O's who thrive on animal protein, those with Type AB blood are not built to eat a lot of animal protein and thrive best on a near vegan diet, says D'Adamo. If you choose animal protein, opt for lean meats such as lamb, mutton, rabbit and turkey, and all seafood. D'Adamo recommends that limiting meat consumption to one to three servings weekly and limiting fish to three to five servings each week. Eggs and fermented dairy foods, such as yogurt and kefir, are beneficial for people with Type AB, but D'Adamo recommends limiting eggs to three to five servings and dairy to three to four servings weekly.


Eat Mostly Plant Foods

For Type ABs to feel and function optimally, it's recommended that the bulk of your diet come from a variety of plant foods. This includes fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains. Nuts and seeds supply a good source of protein. However, they contain lectins -- carb-binding proteins -- which Type ABs do not digest well, according to D'Adamo. He recommends eating nuts and seeds in small amounts about two to five times per week. For healthy fats, olive oil is highly beneficial, according to D'Adamo.


Other Recommendations

D'Adamo offers other recommendations in his book that apply to all blood types. He recommends choosing fresh, organic food most of the time and avoiding processed foods as much as possible. When choosing meats, opt for grass-fed, pastured options. Choose cold-pressed, minimally processed oils and choose all-natural dairy products free of hormones. It's recommended that you limit modern vices such as alcohol, coffee and chocolate, advises D'Adamo.
