6 Basic Aerobic Dance Steps and Exercises

Step and floor classes have some similar moves.
Image Credit: dolgachov/iStock/GettyImages

Head to any step aerobics class and you may feel like the instructor is speaking another language. Many of the basic aerobic dance steps are easy to master once you know what they are. Familiarizing yourself with the movements before heading to the studio can help you feel a little more up-to-date.


Dance aerobics workouts are a great way to add fun and enjoyment to your exercise routine. If you're looking to drop in at a dance aerobics class, these are some of the basic dance steps worth learning.

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1. Basic Step

  1. Start with your feet side by side, about hip-distance apart.
  2. Step about two feet forward with your lead or dominant leg.
  3. Step back two feet with your lead leg and draw the other foot back to meet it.

This move can be performed on an aerobics step bench or on the floor. Do several in a row with the lead leg, or alternate lead legs for variety.

2. V-Step

  1. Stand with your feet parallel and hip-distance apart.
  2. Step your lead or dominant foot 2 to 3 feet forward to the corresponding corner of the floor.
  3. Step your opposite foot wide to its corner.
  4. Step back to the original position with your lead leg.
  5. Bring the opposite leg back to meet it.
  6. Alternate lead legs and repeat the step on the same leg several times before switching.


This dance step is also doable on an aerobic step or the floor. It gets its name from the wide, v-shape of the movement.

3. Step Touch

  1. Stand with your feet side by side and hip distance apart.
  2. Step your lead or dominant leg to the side and bring the other foot to meet it.
  3. Switch the direction as you alternate touching the ground side to side.
  4. Sometimes, you might do two to four steps to the right, and then an equal number to the left (or vice versa).

4. Mambo

  1. Stand with your feet hip-distance apart.
  2. Leading with your right leg, take a small step forward on your right foot, keeping your left foot where it is.
  3. Shift your weight onto the right foot, and then shift your weight onto the left foot as you step the right foot backward.
  4. Shift your weight onto your right foot, then to the left.
  5. Immediately take a step forward with your right to repeat the step.


The mambo step in aerobics dance takes its cue from the dance style. It's a fundamental move that has you swinging your hips.

5. Box Step

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width distance and parallel to one another.
  2. For a right leg lead, step your right foot slightly forward and in front of your left foot.
  3. Step your left foot out to the side.
  4. Bring your right foot a step back and cross over it with your left foot. Repeat multiple times.

A box step is sometimes called a "jazz square." As the name implies, the sequence of this aerobic dance step forms the shape of a box or a square.

6. Grapevine

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width.
  2. To move to the right, step your right foot to the side.
  3. Cross your left foot behind the right
  4. Step your right foot again to your right and tap your left foot next to it to switch directions.

The grapevine offers a way to travel side to side during a floor-based aerobics class. Sometimes, an instructor adds a knee lift or hamstring curl instead of the tap before switching directions.
