Powdered Eggs Nutritional Facts

A plate with scrambled eggs made from powder alongside tomatoes and white bread slices.
Image Credit: hatchapong/iStock/Getty Images

There are different types of powdered eggs; they are available as whole eggs containing the white and the yolk, as well the powder containing only the white of the egg.The powder is a mixture of eggs, vegetable oil and powdered milk.



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Powdered eggs are high in calcium providing 13 percent of the recommended daily amount (RDA). According to MedlinePlus, calcium is necessary for the proper development of the teeth and bones.

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The calorie content in powdered eggs is low; one serving -- 2 eggs -- equates to 357 calories, so it is a healthy alternative for those wanting to pursue a low-calorie diet.


Powdered eggs are high in protein containing 21.07 g per serving. According to MedlinePlus, the average person should consume 50 to 65 g of protein per day.


Powdered eggs contain 286 g of potassium and 481 mg of sodium. Sodium is important for the functioning of muscle nerves, and potassium is essential for the functioning of the nerve cells. The Food and Drug Administration recommends no more than 2,300 mg of sodium and no more than 4,700 mg of potassium per day.



There are no vitamins present in powdered eggs, so you need to find an alternative source of vitamins from other foods.

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