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Teenage boy.
Image Credit: Jani Bryson/iStock/Getty Images

Teenage boys experience rapid growth and change, requiring them to get proper nutrients from their daily diets. Teenage boys who are active in after-school activities such as sports may need additional amounts of nutrients, such as protein, to support growing muscles. Additionally, eating a healthy breakfast, adequate caloric intake and healthy snacks will give a teenage boy the energy he needs to complete daily tasks. Always consult with your child's pediatrician prior to changing his diet.



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Hard boiled egg.
Image Credit: Jupiterimages/ Images

Breakfast is the most important meal of a teenage boy's day. Eating breakfast within one hour of waking up will help supply his body with energy for the day. A healthy breakfast should consist of whole grains, protein, dairy products and fruits. An example of a healthy breakfast would be a bowl of whole grain cereal, a hard-boiled egg, low-fat yogurt and an orange or a glass of orange juice.

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Turkey sandwich on whole grain bread.
Image Credit: Thomas Northcut/Photodisc/Getty Images

Eating a healthy lunch will give your teenage boy the fuel and energy to maintain performance for school work and after-school activities. Additionally, it will help hold him over until dinner time. If he carries his lunch to school, you may be able to prevent him from overeating while ensuring he eats nutritious foods. An example of a healthy lunch for your teen is a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread, carrot and celery sticks with low-fat ranch dressing, a piece of fruit and a bottle of water or naturally sweetened fruit juice.



Fish and vegetables.
Image Credit: Jacek Chabraszewski/iStock/Getty Images

Your teenage boy's dinner should be nutritious as well as filling enough to keep him full for the next 12 hours. Additionally, when possible, eating dinner at the same time each night may keep him from late-night snacking. An example of a healthy, nutritious dinner may include a 3 oz. piece of baked fish, two servings of steamed vegetables, a slice of wheat bread or a wheat roll and a bottle of water.



Veggie sticks.
Image Credit: spetnitskaya nadya/iStock/Getty Images

Frequent hunger is common during the teenage years due to your teen's body's growth demands, says Healthy snacks such as fruits and vegetables will help keep his energy levels high for after-school activities, sports and to hold him over until dinner. Healthy snacks include veggie sticks such as celery and carrots dipped in low-fat dressing, low-fat yogurt and bottled water.



Teenagers who have obesity is a growing, dangerous problem, according to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which recommends that a boy between the ages of fourteen and eighteen should consume 2,400 to 2,800 calories if he's moderately active. Underactive teens who do not eat a healthy and nutritional diet are at greater risk of developing obesity. Teenagers should get at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day.
