How Many Calories Do You Burn Dancing at a Club?

Friends dancing at club
Image Credit: Michael Blann/Digital Vision/Getty Images

As you bounce across the floor in time with the music and strobe lights at a dance club, you probably aren't thinking of the activity's health benefits. But dancing on a regular basis can improve the health of your heart and lungs, lower your blood pressure and strengthen your bones. Dancing also burns calories to help you maintain a fit physique.


Move Quickly for a Rapid Burn

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Dance clubs play several types of music, but dancing in a club setting is typically synonymous with fast-paced music and movements. According to Harvard Health Publications, you burn about 180 calories in 30 minutes of fast dancing if you weigh 125 pounds. If you weigh 155 pounds, fast dancing for 30 minutes burns about 223 calories.

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Change Your Style and Calorie Burn

Many dance clubs don't cater to those who enjoy pop, dance and hip-hop music. If you perform a different style of dance at a club, your calorie burn will be slightly less than fast dancing. Harvard Health Publications notes a 125-pound person burns about 165 calories in 30 minutes of disco or square dancing, while a 155-pound person burns about 205 calories while performing the same types of dance. The same two people burn 90 and 112 calories, respectively, during 30 minutes of the waltz or foxtrot.

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