How to Lose Water Weight in the Face

Fight fire with fire -- or, rather -- water with water. Hydrate excess water retention away with water.
Image Credit: Michael Blann/Photodisc/Getty Images

Whether the cause is too many salty or sugary foods or a medical condition, water weight can show up in your face along with the rest of your body. Just as spot-reducing fat is not possible, however, you cannot reduce water weight from just one part of your body. Ironically, one of the most effective tools to fight water retention is hydration. Adjusting your diet can also be helpful.


Step 1

Consult your physician to make sure that the water weight is not a sign of a more serious medical condition. Edema -- water retention -- can indicate a heart or kidney ailment. Only your doctor can make a proper diagnosis.

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Step 2

Cut salt from your diet as much as possible. Sodium can be a major contributor to water retention. Along with reducing or eliminating the use of table salt, look for hidden salts in prepared or processed foods, such as soups, sauces, salad dressings, chips and crackers.

Step 3

Eat foods high in potassium, such as bananas, prunes, cantaloupe and tomatoes. Potassium helps to regulate the water levels in your body. A potassium deficiency can cause water retention.

Step 4

Add foods and drinks to your meals that are natural diuretics, such as parsley, asparagus, green leafy vegetables and caffeine. Diuretics help to rid the body of water retention through urination. Add parsley to sandwiches, steam fresh asparagus, make a salad with green leafy vegetables and drink one to two cups of coffee per day.


Step 5

Eliminate foods that are processed or contain added sugars Such foods can cause you to retain water. Replace these foods with healthy alternatives, such as lean meats, whole-grain carbohydrates, fresh fruit and fresh vegetables.

Step 6

Hydrate by drinking at least 64 ounces of water every day. This can help to flush the water weight away. Even mild dehydration can cause you to retain fluids. Water can help you hydrate and flush sodium from the bloodstream.


Step 7

Exercise three to five times per week. Cardiovascular exercise and strength training can help the lymphatic system and blood vessels to release retained fluid. Aim for at least three 30- to 60-minute cardiovascular sessions and two full-body strengthening sessions per week.

Things You'll Need

  • Physician

  • Potassium

  • Green vegetables

  • Caffeine

  • Water

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