Iodine Drops for Weight Loss

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A panacea first used by many doctors in the 19th century, Lugol's solution of iodine has a long history of use in a wide range of medical treatments. From aiding in the production of thyroid hormones to boosting immune system function through its anti-bacterial effect, physicians often have added iodine drops to their prescribed treatments. Some of the effects of replenishing iodine stores may include weight loss.


Dietary Iodine

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Your body requires a continual supply of iodine to maintain normal function. Although you can find iodine in iodized table salt and eggs, these may not supply enough for optimal health. Dr. Guy Abrahams, a researcher specializing in iodine deficiency disorders, explains how only seaweed contains enough of the mineral for you to obtain a sufficient supply through dietary sources alone.

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One of the most important roles of iodine in the human body involves its effects in the thyroid gland. Dr. David Brownstein, a family physician and the author of "Iodine: Why You Need It," explains that the body requires iodine to manufacture sufficient amounts of thyroxine. This hormone, also known as T4, helps regulate your metabolism and the rate of fat burning in your body. Brownstein believes the level of iodine in the standard American diet is insufficient for most individuals, and may cause sub-optimal thyroid function.


Cellular Sensitivity

Many individuals in the medical mainstream believed for a long time that the only purpose of iodine was as a precursor for the thyroid hormone thyroxine. Abrahams notes that medical science now recognizes a wide variety of roles for the mineral in the body, such as increasing cellular sensitivity throughout the body. This may help reverse insulin resistance, a common obstacle in burning fat.


Iodine Deficiency

Brownstein uses an iodine-loading test to assess whether a patient requires more iodine. Based on the results he and other doctors have reported while using this test, he estimates that iodine deficiency exists in 96 percent of the population. These individuals may benefit from using iodine drops.


The optimum dosage for different individuals may vary, although Abrahams has studied the dietary intake of many nations and believes the average intake of Japanese citizens, calculated at 13.8 milligrams per day, represents a suitable intake that protects from iodine deficiency disorders. With this in mind, he suggests two drops of Lugol's solution daily, which equates to 12.5 milligrams. Always speak to your doctor before using supplements.

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