Health Benefits of Ti Kuan Yin Tea

Tie guan yin oolong tea yields multiple health benefits.
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Tie guan yin, also referred to as ti kuan yin and called "yinyun" in Chinese, is a type of oolong tea set apart by its flowery fragrance reminiscent of orchids. Cultivated in the Fujian province, tie guan yin tea is a premium variety, harvested by hand from high altitude tea orchards and is the oolong tea of choice among the Chinese. Natural plant nutrients, such as antioxidants, are preserved in this semi-oxidized tea providing several health and lifestyle benefits.


Increases Energy

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Although oolong tea has less caffeine than green tea, scientific studies indicate that the high levels of polyphenols in the leaves may play a part in energizing the tea drinker. According to a study published in the March 2003 issue of the "Journal of Medical Investigation," participants experienced significant energy expenditure after drinking oolong tea. More studies are needed to determine the relationship between increased energy and caffeine and plant polyphenols.

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Exercise Motivator

A cup of oolong tea could make the difference between going for a walk or staying on the couch. According to the 2003 "Journal of Medical Investigation" article, increases in energy expenditure correlate with food-related weight loss. Diet and exercise remain the primary keys to weight reduction for most people and a cup of tea may provide that extra burst of energy to get you going in a healthier direction.


Antioxidant Source

Premium oolong tea, such as the tie guan yin variety, is a viable source of nature's immune-supporting antioxidants, found in the plant polyphenols. According to the University of Maryland's Medical Center, it is believed that antioxidants may play a role in preventing cancer and heart disease as well as detour premature aging at a cellular level.

Aid Bone Density

Research indicates that drinking oolong tea is linked with stronger, denser bones and may prevent osteoporosis, notes Jane Higden Ph.D. of the Linus Pauling Institute, stating that consumption of oolong or green teas correlates with higher bone mineral density in men and women. Check with your doctor before increasing your tea consumption to avoid possible contraindications with some medicines.


Anti-Fungal Support

Restore balance to your body after consumption of antibiotics with the help of oolong tea. The catechins in oolong and green teas are credited with enhancing the effects of medicine in treating infections caused by overgrowth of the candida albicans bug. According to a 2006 report published by the United States Department of Agriculture, the combination of tea catechins and antifungal drugs may provide a more comprehensive treatment of Candida albicans infections of the oral cavities, intestine and vagina caused by overuse of antibiotics.
