Benefits of Ballerina Dieters Tea

Ballerina dieters tea is primarily a laxative.

3 Ballerina Tea is a registered trademark of a product marketed as a dieters' drink by the Truong Giang Corporation of California. Ballerina Tea contains two ingredients; the dried herbs Chinese mallow and Senna, or Cassia angustifolia. The purveyors of 3 Ballerina Tea advise that it is an herbal dietary supplement, while consumer proponents claim that the benefits of Ballerina dieters' tea include rapid safe weight loss. Use caution when trying Ballerina Dieters Tea.


No Caffeine

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Ballerina Tea does not contain any other caffeine additives. Caffeine can be addictive and can cause tremors, headaches, nausea and delirium in high doses, reports the Susquehanna University Crusader Online. Many people must avoid caffeine for health reasons, but many diet-aid products contain caffeine, often in large amounts. Drinking 3 Ballerina Tea instead of taking caffeine-containing diet supplements will avoid the negative health consequences of caffeine.

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Laxative Effect

One of the two components of 3 Ballerina Tea is dried leaves of the plant senna, or Cassia angustifolia, a flowering tropical herb. Senna can be safely consumed by people without contravening health conditions "for the short-term use in cases of occasional constipation," according to the 2007 Assessment Report of the European Medicines Agency Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products. Senna is primarily marketed as a laxative, reports Vanderbilt University Health psychology student Ji Eun Kim in a 2009 review of literature.


Consumer weight-loss blogger Karen Pillars reports in her blog that her personal experience with the 3 Ballerina Tea is that it works as an effective laxative. Ballerina tea may well be beneficial, in moderate, short-term uses, for people suffering from constipation. Always consult with a medical practitioner if you have ongoing health concerns or symptoms such as continued constipation, stomach cramping, pain or fever.


The second component of 3 Ballerina Tea is the dried leaves of the plant commonly known as Chinese mallow, or Malva verticellata, a tropical species closely related to the common English, marsh or garden mallows. Chinese mallow has been in cultivation in China for over 2,500 years, and the seeds and leaves are used in culinary and medicinal applications, advises Plants For a Future, a nonprofit ethnobotanical information resource based in Cornwall, England. Its chief medicinal properties include its use as a laxative and a diuretic, Plants For a Future reports, as well as its ability to soothe digestion. A warm cup of Ballerina Tea may help soothe a distressed stomach as well as reduce unwanted or excessive fluid retention.

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