Can You Break Up Fat Cells?

Fat cells store energy that the body can draw on during famines.
Image Credit: Arttanja/iStock/Getty Images

Advertisements blast you with the latest and greatest devices and techniques to break up or get rid of your fat cells. While they sound wonderful, vibrating devices and special massage techniques are not effective against fat cells. Liposuction does remove fat, but at a cost to your body, including the chance of infection and less than perfect results. The bottom line is: fat cells are forever, but you can adjust the size of those cells with diet and exercise.


Shrinking Fat Cells

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Fat cells are the energy storage cells of the body. When you take in more calories than you burn, your body stores the excess as fat. One pound of fat is approximately 3,500 calories of energy. To reduce the fat in your body, you must reduce the number of calories that you take in and increase the number of calories you burn. Consult your doctor before beginning a diet and exercise plan.

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Reducing Calories

Reducing the number of calories in your daily diet leads to weight loss. Simply eating 250 fewer calories daily adds up to 1,750 calories per week, or a 1/2-pound weight loss. Replace high-fat, high-calorie items, such as simple sugars, donuts and sugary sodas with colorful vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. Measure each item to ensure that you accurately document your calorie intake.


Adding Exercise

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend a minimum of 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise, such as brisk walking, for good health, while Harvard Medical School doubles the time to 300 minutes per week for weight loss. Add a routine of twice weekly muscle strengthening exercises to help reduce abdominal fat. The number of calories you burn vary according to your height, weight and the intensity level of your exercise.
