How to Reduce Belly Fat Post Laparoscopic Surgery

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A laparoscopic surgery is a procedure during which small incisions are made into the abdomen through which the surgery is performed using special instruments. This surgery is less invasive than open surgery, which has a slower recovery time. Weight loss goals can still be achieved while recovering from laparoscopic surgery. This surgery only limits the types of exercises you can do.


Step 1

Rest during the fist few days following the surgery. This will allow the effects of anesthesia to wear off and allow your digestive tract to return to its normal functionality. In most cases it takes only a few days for digestion to return to normal.

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Step 2

Lower the amount of calories you eat. Due to the surgery the amount and intensity of your physical activity will be diminished. So you have to eat less to prevent a weight gain. This is doubly important if you want to lose the weight around your stomach. Decreasing your calories will make your body turn to the fat deposits around your abdomen for its energy needs. Foods that are high in fat, sugars and carbohydrates should be avoided because they contain a lot of unnecessary calories.

Step 3

Walk and jog lightly to burn the fat off of your belly. Do these exercises until your physician tells you that you are clear to do exercises that use your abdominal muscles. Any exercises that utilizes your core should be avoided. Heavy lifting, and bending over should be removed from your regimen as well due to the fact that they can be excruciatingly painful and create a setback in your recovery. Walking and jogging should be done for extended periods of time to burn a maximum amount of calories to help you lose your belly fat.


If at any time during your recovery there is discomfort, pain or bleeding from your surgical wounds consult with your physician.

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