300 Meter Sprint Technique

A young man is getting ready to sprint on a track.
Image Credit: Jacob Ammentorp Lund/iStock/Getty Images

The 300-meter sprint requires fast twitch fibers and a high level of speed endurance. Months and years of diet and training will have a large impact on your 300-meter sprint performance. Correct technique is also essential for a 300-meter runner. Proper technique can shave seconds off your time and transform you from a good to a great 300-meter runner. The best way to develop your running technique is by investing time into focused practice under the guidance of a track coach.


Step 1

Develop a pre-start routine. A regular routine can give you a level of comfort and also allows you to clear your mind ahead of the 300-meter sprint. The Complete Track and Field website explains that Olympic gold medal winner Michael Johnson referred to his pre-start regimen as getting into the "Danger Zone," a peak mentality in which he focused on nothing other than winning the race. Finish your routine with tuck jumps, or another explosive, bounding motion. This prepares you to explode out of the blocks.

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Step 2

Perfect your stance and technique in the starting blocks. Gaining even a fraction of a second in the start of the race can be the difference between winning and second place. Your toes and the ball of your foot should be in contact with the track, and your heels planted firmly on the starting blocks to propel yourself forward on the starter's pistol. Place your thumbs directly beneath your shoulders and hold your body up with straight arms while leaning slightly forward. Place one knee on the ground, before taking it off the ground upon the set command.


Step 3

Rehearse exploding out of the blocks and running the first 20 meters at top speed. Have a track coach give you feedback on your technique coming out of the blocks, and hitting top speed as early as possible. Repetition will help your reaction time and ability to hit top speed. Have your track coach time you over the first 20 meters, note your times after every session and compete against yourself to be faster every time.

Step 4

Lean slightly forward and adopt an upright posture when you hit full speed. Keep your head up and eyes focused ahead. Take long strides with your body weight landing on the balls of your feet. The Sports Fitness Advisor website says that you should keep your shoulders steady, your arms flexed at 90-degree angles and swing your arms through for extra momentum.


Step 5

Finish strongly by dipping your head and reaching forward with your final steps as you cross the finish line. Repeated practice is the best way to improve your finishing ability under the guidance of a track coach. Being able to dip and reach without slowing down can shave a fraction of a second off your time, which could be the difference during a close race.


Develop your own plan for the race and stick with it, no matter what the other runners are doing. If your plan calls for you to pace yourself in the middle 100 meters, for example, don't panic if another runner passes you during that segment.


Don't be over-anxious at the start. Depending on the rules at your level of track and field, one false start can disqualify you from a race.

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