How to Increase Jogging Stamina

woman jogging in snow
Image Credit: BartekSzewczyk/iStock/Getty Images

Jogging is an enjoyable and efficient means of exercise. It build leans muscle mass, is efficient at improving cardiovascular health and is one of the best ways for your body to burn calories. Men burn an average of 124 calories per mile of running, and women burn an average of 105 calories per mile. Continuously increasing your stamina is essential for both the novice and veteran runner in order to keep your runs fresh and challenging.


Step 1

Run to improve your running endurance. The best way to increase your stamina is to log in the miles. More time on the track, treadmill, road or park leads to an improved cardiovascular system, stronger lower body and core muscles and better running form for more efficient running.

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Step 2

Plan your weekly schedule in advance to make sure that you set aside days and times for training.

Step 3

Jog at an exertion rate that feels like five or six on a scale of one to 10, in order to avoid burning out too soon.

Step 4

Train by running for 20 minutes at a time, three times a week for beginners. Gradually increase your time, and incorporate walk segments if you are not able to sustain running for 20 minutes straight. If you are just starting your jogging regimen a good routine is to run for three to four minutes and walk one to two minutes. More advanced runners should follow the 10 percent rule, which is to increase your distance by 10 percent each week, so as not to overdo it and sustain an injury.


Step 5

Run at a higher speed but for a shorter amount of time once or twice a week to build stamina and strength.

Step 6

Run hills to improve leg strength and burn calories. Make sure to shorten your stride when running uphill. Incorporating a few down hills on your run will give you a moment to rest and recover without having to stop moving.

Step 7

Eat plenty of protein to rebuild muscles, along with complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables for proper nutrients and energy.


Step 8

Run three times per week and cross train on two other days to avoid over-training the same muscles. Make sure to cross train with activities that do not fatigue running muscles, such as swimming, biking or yoga. Rest for one to two days a week so that muscles have adequate downtime to repair.


A digital sports watch and heart-rate monitor will help you pace your running times and distances.

Avoid injuries by not doing too much too soon; make sure you increase your running times on a gradual basis. Challenge yourself and start to cut down or eliminate the walk breaks.

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