List of Diseases With Shaking and Twitching

Diseases that produce shaking and twitching as symptoms affect the central nervous system. Shaking and twitching show that the person does not fully control the function of the nervous system and its effects on the body. In most cases, medications can help to decrease these types of symptoms, but eventually, they will have little or no effect as the disease progresses.


Multiple Sclerosis

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Multiple sclerosis, the Mayo Clinic reports, causes the person’s immune system to attack the covering over the nerves. As these coverings diminish, the person’s brain has less direct communication with the nerves all over the body, meaning the brain cannot control muscle movement effectively. The Mayo Clinic states that tremors may occur with multiple sclerosis as well as a decrease in coordination and unsteadiness.

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Parkinson’s Disease

People with another central nervous system condition called Parkinson’s disease most often exhibit tremors and shaking as early signs of the malady. As the disease progresses and causes more pronounced symptoms, the shaking can become constant. The disease occurs because of a lack of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the person’s brain caused by the death or decreased function of neurons, Medline Plus states. With this disease, shaking may affect the legs and arms as well as the face and jaw.


Tourette's Syndrome

Tourette's syndrome affects the central nervous system by causing often severe twitching and jerking of the body of the sufferer. The Cleveland Clinic reports that any area of the person’s body may experience these jerking and twitching motions including the legs, shoulders, hands and neck. The clinic states that abnormal blinking of the eyes and tics of the face generally occur at the outset of Tourette's syndrome. The person also can experience complex tics that produce a series of tics that appear coordinated. The condition typically starts in childhood.


Huntington’s Disease

This disease, classified as degenerative, gradually destroys brain nerve cells. This can cause a deterioration of the person’s mind, problems with emotional stability and uncontrollable body movements. These body motions get worse as the disease progresses, according to the Mayo Clinic. The disease can cause bodily jerking motions as well as tremors throughout the body.
