A 15-Minute Lower-Body Resistance Band Workout

Banded squats, deadlifts and lunges are among the best lower-body resistance band exercises.
Image Credit: Antonio_Diaz/iStock/GettyImages

Looking to remix your lower-body workout? Adding a resistance band might be the key to unlocking some major gains.


Not only are resistance bands affordable and easy to travel with, but incorporating them into your weekly lower- body routine will result in stronger and more stable glutes and hips.

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You'll perform each exercise in the workout below for 50 seconds with a 10-second rest in between each move. This should take you about 15 minutes to complete.

Incorporate this workout once or twice a week to see some major improvements in your lower- body strength.

1. Banded Squat

Sets 1
Time 50 Sec
  1. Loop a resistance band right above your knees.
  2. Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart and brace your core. Focus on keeping your feet rooted into the ground and your core tight the entire time.
  3. Clasp your hands in front of your chest and slowly bend your knees as you push your hips back to lower toward the floor. Focus on lowering your body as if you were going to sit on a chair.
  4. Lower down as far as comfortable, or until your thighs are parallel with the floor.
  5. Pause for a moment at the bottom of your squat.
  6. On an exhale, reverse the motion by pressing through your heels to return to standing.

2. Banded Deadlift

Sets 1
Time 50 Sec
  1. Place looped band underneath your feet. Step on it and hold the other end of the band in both hands.
  2. Stand with feet hip-width apart and roll your shoulders back and down away from your ears, engage your back and brace your core.
  3. Slightly bend your knees as you hinge forward at your hips, sending your butt back behind you.
  4. Lean your torso toward the floor with your back long. Keep your core braced and spine completely flat.
  5. Once your torso is parallel to the ground, press through your heels and squeeze your hamstrings and glutes to drive your hips forward and return to standing position.

3. Banded Alternating Side Lunge

Sets 1
Time 50 Sec
  1. Loop a resistance band right above your knees.
  2. Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart.
  3. Shift your weight to the right and step to your right with your right leg.
  4. With a flat back, bend your right knee and shift your hips back, keeping your left leg straight.
  5. Touch your left hand to your right foot as your right arm naturally floats up and out to the side.
  6. Press into your right heel to return to standing.
  7. Repeat on opposite side and continue alternating for all reps.

4. Banded Alternating Reverse Lunge

Sets 1
Time 50 Sec
  1. Loop a resistance band right above your knees.
  2. Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart and a slight bend in your knees.
  3. Clasp your hands in front of your chest.
  4. Step your right foot back behind your body while simultaneously bending your left knee and lowering your hips. Keep your torso straight.
  5. Stop when your left knee is at a 90-degree angle and your left thigh is parallel to the floor.
  6. Pause slightly and press into your left heel, squeezing your glutes to stand up, while bringing your right leg back to the starting position.
  7. Repeat on opposite side and continue alternating for all reps.

5. Banded Single-Leg Deadlift

Sets 1
Time 50 Sec
  1. Loop a band underneath your right foot and hold the other end of the looped band with your left hand. Hold your right arm out to the side for balance.
  2. Tuck your left foot behind you like a kickstand.
  3. Slightly bend your right knee as you hinge forward at your hips, sending your butt back behind you.
  4. Lean your torso toward the floor with your back long. Keep your core braced and spine completely flat.
  5. Once your torso is parallel to the ground, press through your right heel and squeeze your hamstrings and glutes on your right leg to drive your hips forward and return to standing position.
  6. Perform all reps on one leg before switching to the other.

6. Banded Single-Leg Reverse Lunge

Sets 1
Time 50 Sec
  1. Loop a band underneath your right foot and hold the other end of the looped band with your left hand.
  2. Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart and a slight bend in your knees.
  3. Step your left foot back behind your body while simultaneously bending your right knee and lowering your hips. Keep your torso straight.
  4. Stop when your right knee is at a 90-degree angle and your right thigh is parallel to the floor.
  5. Pause slightly and press into your right heel, squeezing your glutes to stand up, while bringing your left leg back to the starting position.
  6. Perform all reps on one leg before switching to the other.

7. Banded Kickback

Sets 1
Time 50 Sec
  1. Loop a resistance band around your legs, just above your knees, and get into a tabletop position. Your shoulders should be stacked over your wrists, hips over your knees and toes tucked.
  2. While keeping your core tight, use your glutes to kick your right leg back. If you feel your lower back arching, reduce your range of motion until you only feel it in your glutes.
  3. Bring your right leg back to the starting position.
  4. Perform all reps on one leg before switching to the other.

8. Banded Fire Hydrant

Sets 1
Time 50 Sec
  1. Loop a resistance band around your legs, just above your knees, and get into a tabletop position. Your shoulders should be stacked over your wrists, hips over your knees and toes tucked.
  2. Lift your right knee to the right toward your hip. Stop at hip height or as high as you can comfortably go.
  3. Lower your knee to the starting position and repeat.
  4. Perform all reps on one leg before switching to the other.

9. Banded Donkey Kick

Sets 1
Time 50 Sec
  1. Loop a resistance band around your legs, just above your knees, and get into a tabletop position. Your shoulders should be stacked over your wrists, hips over your knees and toes tucked.
  2. Extend your right leg back with your knee bent to 90 degrees and the sole of your foot pointing toward the ceiling.
  3. Raise your leg until your thigh is parallel with the floor.
  4. Pause, then lower your leg.
  5. Perform all reps on one leg before switching to the other.

10. Banded Glute Bridge With Press Out

Sets 1
Time 50 Sec
  1. Lie on your back with your feet hip-width apart and place your resistance band just above your knees.
  2. Squeeze your glutes and core, and press your heels into the ground to drive your hips up toward the ceiling until you form a diagonal line from knees to hips to chest.
  3. Press your knees out against the resistance band.
  4. Pause for a second, then return your knees to your midline.
  5. Slowly lower your hips back down to the ground and reset in the starting position for a second before lifting back up and repeating.