You Can Do This Entire 20-Minute Resistance Band Workout Lying Down

You can use just one resistance band lying down to get a full-body workout.
Image Credit: Antonio_Diaz/iStock/GettyImages

There's an overwhelming amount of exercise equipment out there, we know. But if you're not sure where to start, you can't go wrong having a resistance band on hand.


You can get a good full-body workout in with just a single resistance band without needing a ton of different equipment or space.

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The best part? You can do a resistance band workout completely lying down. So, if you're someone who is coming back from an injury, has mobility issues or just wants a low-intensity recovery-day movement session, the following 20-minute lying resistance band workout is for you.

This workout is a good mix of upper-body, lower-body and core work, making it very well-rounded and easy to adjust for any aches or pains that may be bothersome.

‌Check out more of our 20-minute workouts here — we’ve got something for everyone.

How to Do This Workout

You'll split this workout into two different supersets. In a superset, you perform each exercise back-to-back with minimal rest in between.


For the first superset, you'll perform exercises 1 through 5 straight through for the amount of reps listed below with little rest in between. Complete one full round of each movement before moving onto the next, for a total of 3 rounds. You'll repeat this structure for the second superset.

When doing supersets, as in this workout, rest as needed, but rest as minimally as possible. Quickly moving from one movement to the next will get your heart rate up even though you're lying down.


With only one resistance band and a ground to lay on, this 20-minute workout will quickly become one of your favorites!

How to Choose the Right Resistance Band for You

When you test out a resistance band, take notice is how stretchy and thick the band is. The thinner and stretchier the band is, the less resistance it offers, making it easier to use. Thicker, less stretchy bands offer more resistance and are harder to use.

The color of a resistance band is related to the level of resistance it offers. Resistance bands typically come in yellow, green, red, blue, black, silver and gold, with yellow being the lightest and gold the strongest. However, it's best to check the labeling because some of these colors and resistance levels may differ from brand to brand.

The Workout

Superset 1

1. Banded Single-Leg Lower


Sets 3
Reps 6
  1. Lie on the floor with your legs pointing straight up toward the ceiling and your arms at your sides.
  2. Lift your right foot up and loop a long resistance band around your foot. Hold onto the rest of the band with both hands. The less slack you allow in the band, the harder the exercise will be.
  3. Brace your core and tuck your tailbone to press your lower back against the floor.
  4. Holding your torso steady, lower your right leg down to the floor while keeping your lower back in contact with the floor.
  5. Pause, then squeeze your abs to raise your right leg back to the start.
  6. Perform 6 reps on your right leg, then 6 reps on your left leg.

2. Banded Hamstring Curl

Sets 3
Reps 16
  1. Anchor a long resistance band around a sturdy object behind you.
  2. Lie on your stomach on the ground with your legs extended and loop the resistance band around your ankles.
  3. Place your hands on the floor on either side of your chest with your elbows bent at a 45-degree angle, as if you were about to do a push-up.
  4. Root your toes and thighs into the ground.
  5. Raise both feet up toward your butt, working against the band.
  6. Pause for a moment, squeezing your hamstrings, then bring both feet back down, keeping resistance in the band.
  7. Perform 16 reps total.


If you don't have a sturdy object to secure the resistance band onto, you can hold the top part of the band near your head and loop the bottom part of the band around your feet.

3. Banded Pull-Apart With Overhand Grip

Sets 3
Reps 20
  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground hip-width apart.
  2. Hold a resistance band directly above your chest with one hand near each end, at a comfortable shoulder-width distance apart. Your palms should be facing away from you.
  3. Pull the band apart at the same speed and force with both arms at the same time.
  4. Pull as wide as your mobility allows. Hold the extended position for one breath, then slowly release the movement back to the starting position.
  5. Perform 20 reps total.

4.‌ ‌Banded Pull-Apart With Underhand Grip

Sets 3
Reps 24
  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground hip-width apart.
  2. Hold a resistance band directly above your chest with one hand near each end, at a comfortable shoulder-width distance apart. Your palms should be facing toward you.
  3. Pull the band apart at the same speed and force with both arms at the same time.
  4. Pull as wide as your mobility allows. Hold the extended position for one breath, then slowly release the movement back to the starting position.
  5. Perform 24 reps total.

5. Banded Diagonal Pull-Apart With Overhand Grip


Sets 3
Reps 8
  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground hip-width apart.
  2. Hold a resistance band diagonally above your chest with your right hand near the top end and your left hand near the bottom end at a comfortable shoulder-width distance apart. Your palms should be facing away from you.
  3. Pull the band apart diagonally at the same speed and force with both arms at the same time.
  4. Pull as wide as your mobility allows. Hold the extended position for one breath, then slowly release the movement back to the starting position.
  5. Perform 8 reps.
  6. Switch hand positions so that your left hand is near the top end of the band and your right hand is near the bottom end. Perform 8 more reps.

Superset 2

1. Banded Chest Press

Sets 3
Reps 20
  1. Begin lying on the ground, facing up, with the resistance band under your back, both hands inside the band. Hold each hand close to your sides, in line with your chest.
  2. Place your feet flat on the floor, knees up.
  3. Press the band straight up over your chest, extending your arms.
  4. Pause here, then return with control to the starting position.

2.‌ ‌Banded Reverse Squat

Sets 3
Reps 12
  1. Anchor a long resistance band around a sturdy object in front of you.
  2. Lie on your back on the ground with your legs extended and loop the resistance band around your ankles.
  3. Let your arms rest straight down by your sides, palms on the ground for support.
  4. Tighten your core as you lift your legs off the ground with your knees bent at 90 degrees. Don't let your low back or butt come off the ground.
  5. Pause at the top before slowly lowering your feet back down to the starting position.
  6. Perform 12 total reps.

3. Banded Open-the-Book


Sets 3
Reps 6
  1. Lie on your right side, your left knee in front of your torso bent at 90 degrees and your right leg extended straight down.
  2. Hold a resistance band directly above your chest with one hand near each end, at a comfortable shoulder-width distance apart. Your palms should be facing away from you.
  3. Slowly open your chest and bring your left arm up and over to the left side as you rotate your mid-back.
  4. Stop rotating when you get to the point that your lower back wants to bend.
  5. Reverse the motion to bring your arms back together.
  6. Perform 6 reps, then repeat on the other side for another 6 reps.

4. Banded Ankle Pump

Sets 3
Reps 8
  1. Lie on the floor with your legs pointing straight up toward the ceiling and your arms at your sides.
  2. Lift your right foot up as high as you can (with a slight bend in your knee) and loop a long resistance band around your foot. Hold onto the rest of the band with both hands. The less slack you allow in the band, the harder the exercise will be.
  3. Brace your core and tuck your tailbone to press your lower back against the floor.
  4. Point your right foot down as far as you can.
  5. Then flex your foot as far back as you can. That's 1 rep.
  6. Perform 8 reps on your right foot, then switch sides and perform 8 more reps.

5. Banded Dead Bug

Sets 3
Reps 6
  1. Lie flat on your back with both arms reaching straight toward the ceiling.
  2. Lift your feet off the ground so your legs are bent at a 90-degree angle.
  3. Loop a long resistance band around your left wrist and right foot.
  4. Slowly and with control, extend your left arm and right leg away from each other.
  5. Return your left arm and right leg to starting position with the same slow, controlled movement.
  6. Perform 6 reps.
  7. Then loop the resistance band around your right wrist and left foot. Perorm 6 more reps.