This Emily Skye Workout Hits Every Major Muscle in 20 Minutes

woman doing a sit-through exercise during a 20-minute body-weight workout
A total-body workout can contain full-body moves as well as isolation exercises.
Image Credit: Emily Skye/

You can only do so many regular squats and lunges before you start to get bored. So when you need a short, convenient workout, it's time to switch things up. And if you're stuck indoors this winter or on the road traveling, you have limited equipment options.


"But with low- and no-equipment options, you can get a fast and effective workout done at home or away," says Emily Skye, personal trainer and creator of Emily Skye FIT. "This 20-minute body-weight workout is beginner-friendly, requires no equipment and targets your total body. And because every move is a new challenge, you'll have no time to get bored!"

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Check out more of our ​​20-minute workouts here​​ — we’ve got something for everyone.

Try This 20-Minute Body-Weight Workout

Do:​ the 6 exercises in round 1 below for 45 seconds, resting 15 seconds in between exercises. Rest for 60 seconds at the end of the round, then do the same with the other 2 rounds.


Do:​ low-intensity, dynamic warm-up exercises, such as jogging or marching in place, for 3 to 5 minutes.

Round 1

Move 1: Modified 180-Degree Burpee

Move 1: Modified 180-Degree Burpee
Image Credit: Emily Skye/
Time 45 Sec
Type Cardio and Strength
Activity Body-Weight Workout
Region Full Body
  1. Start in a high plank, stacking your shoulders above your wrists and your legs extended straight behind you.
  2. Jump both feet forward toward your hands.
  3. Keeping your core engaged, stand up.
  4. As you stand, jump around 180 degrees so you're facing the opposite direction.
  5. Bring your hands down to the ground in front of your feet, then jump both feet back into a plank again.
  6. Repeat, jumping to switch direction each time.

Move 2: Narrow Lunge (Left)

Move 2: Narrow Lunge (Left)
Image Credit: Emily Skye/
Time 45 Sec
Type Strength
Activity Body-Weight Workout
Region Lower Body
  1. Standing straight, step your left foot slightly out in front of you.
  2. Then step your right foot out slightly so it's pointing at a 45-degree angle away from your body.
  3. Raise your right heel so this leg is balancing on your toes.
  4. Now, keeping your feet stationary, use your left leg to lunge down.
  5. At the bottom of the lunge, squeeze your glutes to push yourself back up to standing. Your torso should remain upright throughout.

Move 3: Narrow Lunge (Right)

Move 3: Narrow Lunge (Right)
Image Credit: Emily Skye/
Time 45 Sec
Type Strength
Activity Body-Weight Workout
Region Lower Body
  1. Standing straight, step your right foot slightly out in front of you.
  2. Then, step your left foot out slightly so it's pointing at a 45-degree angle away from your body.
  3. Raise your left heel so this leg is balancing on your toes.
  4. Now, keeping your feet stationary, use your right leg to lunge down.
  5. At the bottom of the lunge, squeeze your glutes to push yourself back up to standing. Your torso should remain upright throughout.

Move 4: Sit-Through

Move 4: Sit-Through
Image Credit: Emily Skye/
Time 45 Sec
Type Strength
Activity Body-Weight Workout
Region Full Body
  1. Start on all fours with your hands over your wrists and your knees over your ankles.
  2. Drive your left knee toward your right wrist, twisting at the waist while keeping your knee bent and your little toe sliding across the floor.
  3. Lift your right arm toward the sky and place your left booty cheek on the ground to ensure you’re extending your leg all the way out.
  4. Return to all fours, then repeat on the other leg.


You can keep your knee bent to make it easier on your hips.

Move 5: Plank Leg Lift

Move 5: Plank Leg Lift
Image Credit: Emily Skye/
Time 45 Sec
Type Strength
Activity Body-Weight Workout
Region Full Body
  1. Get into a high plank on your toes with your hands on the floor beneath your shoulders and core engaged. Your body should form a straight line from your shoulders down to your toes. (Don’t poke your butt up!)
  2. Alternate raising your right then left leg off the floor.
  3. Your heel should reach a little higher than your butt before you lower your leg back down.

Move 6: Russian Twist

Move 6: Russian Twist
Image Credit: Emily Skye/
Time 45 Sec
Type Strength
Activity Body-Weight Workout
Region Core
  1. Sit on the floor with your back straight, then lean back until you’re forming a V-shape with your torso and thighs. Only lean back as far as your core can hold you up.
  2. Lift your feet up so that your shins are facing the sky. This is the starting position.
  3. Gripping your hands together above your abs, use your core muscles to rotate from side to side at a steady pace, not pausing at either side.


Follow your hands with your eyes to help keep your back and neck straight.

Round 2

Move 1: Spider Mountain Climber

Move 1: Spider Mountain Climber
Image Credit: Emily Skye/
Time 45 Sec
Type Cardio and Strength
Activity Body-Weight Workout
Region Full Body
  1. Start in a high plank, hands on the floor beneath your shoulders.
  2. Engage your core, then draw your right foot up so it's outside your right hand.
  3. Tap your foot, then return your leg back.
  4. Next, draw your left foot up outside your left hand.
  5. Tap your foot, then return to a plank and repeat.

Move 2: Push-Up Release and Extend

Move 2: Push-Up Release and Extend
Image Credit: Emily Skye/
Time 45 Sec
Type Strength
Activity Body-Weight Workout
Region Full Body
  1. Get into a plank, hands below your shoulders, core and glutes engaged, balancing on your knees or toes.
  2. Lower your chest to the ground slowly, keeping your elbows tucked in.
  3. Once your chest is on the ground, extend your arms out in front of you so your hands come together above your head.
  4. Return them to the floor by the sides of your chest and push up from your palms slowly, back to the starting position.

Move 3: Squat Jump

Move 3: Squat Jump
Image Credit: Emily Skye/
Time 45 Sec
Type Cardio and Strength
Activity Body-Weight Workout
Region Lower Body
  1. Stand your feet shoulder-width apart, sit your butt back and bend your knees as you drop into a squat.
  2. When your quads are parallel to the ground, drive through your feet to spring up out of the squat into a jump.
  3. Land with your knees bent and go into the next rep.


Your legs should drive the movement, but swinging your arms as you jump up can help you with rhythm and form.

Move 4: Around-the-World Lunge

Move 4: Around-the-World Lunge
Image Credit: Emily Skye/
Time 45 Sec
Type Strength
Activity Body-Weight Workout
Region Lower Body
  1. Stand up tall with your hands on your hips or braced in front of your chest.
  2. Do a lunge, stepping forward on your right leg.
  3. Step back to center, then do a side lunge on your right leg.
  4. Again, step back to the center, then do a reverse lunge on your right leg.
  5. Step back to center.
  6. Now, step forward with your left leg into a front lunge.
  7. Reverse the pattern so you're doing a side lunge and reverse lunge next.
  8. Repeat the sequence.


This exercise combines lunge variations to work your legs and glutes from all angles.

Move 5: Donkey Kick (Left)

Move 5: Donkey Kick (Left)
Image Credit: Emily Skye/
Time 45 Sec
Type Strength
Activity Body-Weight Workout
Region Lower Body
  1. Start on all fours with your hands below your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  2. Keeping the 90-degree bend in your left knee, kick your leg back and up until your left foot is slightly higher than your butt. Don't arch your lower back, though!
  3. Keep your head, neck and back neutral as you bring your left knee back toward the ground without touching it.
  4. Repeat.

Move 6: Donkey Kick (Right)

Move 6: Donkey Kick (Right)
Image Credit: Emily Skye/
Time 45 Sec
Type Strength
Activity Body-Weight Workout
Region Lower Body
  1. Start on all fours with your hands below your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  2. Keeping the 90-degree bend in your right knee, kick your leg back and up until your right foot is slightly higher than your butt. Don't arch your lower back, though!
  3. Keep your head, neck and back neutral as you bring your right knee back toward the ground without touching it.
  4. Repeat.

Round 3

Move 1: Modified Burpee

Move 1: Modified Burpee
Image Credit: Emily Skye/
Time 45 Sec
Type Cardio and Strength
Activity Body-Weight Workout
Region Full Body
  1. Start in a high plank.
  2. Jump both feet forward toward your hands.
  3. Keeping your core engaged, stand up to full height.
  4. Now, bring your hands down to the ground in front of your feet and jump back into a plank. This is one rep.
  5. Repeat.

Move 2: Drop Squat

Move 2: Drop Squat
Image Credit: Emily Skye/
Time 45 Sec
Type Strength
Activity Body-Weight Workout
Region Lower Body
  1. Stand up tall with your core engaged and your feet around hip-width apart.
  2. Jump both feet out wide and drop down into a squat.
  3. Spring back up to standing. Keep your knees soft to protect your joints.
  4. Repeat.

Move 3: Plank Shoulder Tap

Move 3: Plank Shoulder Tap
Image Credit: Emily Skye/
Time 45 Sec
Type Strength
Activity Body-Weight Workout
Region Full Body
  1. Get into a high plank with your palms on the floor under your shoulders and your toes tucked. You should form a straight line from your heels to your head.
  2. Engage your core by drawing your bellybutton toward your spine.
  3. Lift one hand up to tap the opposite shoulder.
  4. Return it to the floor, then lift the other hand up to tap its opposite shoulder.
  5. Repeat, keeping your core engaged throughout.

Move 4: Side Plank (Left)

Move 4: Side Plank (Left)
Image Credit: Emily Skye/
Time 45 Sec
Type Strength
Activity Body-Weight Workout
Region Full Body
  1. Lie on your left side, with your elbow beneath your shoulder and your left knee bent at almost 90 degrees (your foot should be behind you).
  2. Lift into a side plank, raising your right leg so your toes are pointing away from your body and your left forearm, knee and foot are supporting your weight.
  3. Place your right hand on your hip and brace your core to keep your torso straight.
  4. Hold as long as you can with good form, up to 45 seconds.

Move 5: Side Plank (Right)

Move 5: Side Plank (Right)
Image Credit: Emily Skye/
Time 45 Sec
Type Strength
Activity Body-Weight Workout
Region Full Body
  1. Lie on your right side, with your elbow beneath your shoulder and right your knee bent at almost 90 degrees (your foot should be behind you).
  2. Lift into a side plank, raising your left leg so your toes are pointing away from your body and your right forearm, knee and foot are supporting your weight.
  3. Place your left hand on your hip and brace your core to keep your torso straight.
  4. Hold as long as you can with good form, up to 45 seconds.

Move 6: Forearm Plank

Move 6: Forearm Plank
Image Credit: Emily Skye/
Time 45 Sec
Type Strength
Activity Body-Weight Workout
Region Full Body
  1. Place your forearms on the ground with your elbows under your shoulders.
  2. Engage your core by pulling your bellybutton toward your spine and coming up onto your toes.
  3. Try to maintain a straight line from your head to hips to heels.
  4. Hold for 45 seconds — or however long you can with good form.