Try This 5-Minute Plank Workout Finisher to Get More From Your Abs Workouts

This 5-minute plank workout will finish off your abs and strengthen your core.
Image Credit: brizmaker/iStock/GettyImages

When you've completed the very last rep of your scheduled workout but still have a little gas left in the tank, why not end your sweat session with an ab finisher? The concept is simple: You use the strength and energy you have left to complete a short — but intense — bout of exercise.


This quick, 5-minute finisher features seven different plank variations from D'Annette Stephens, CPT, founder of D.Termined Fitness and the Fit Pros Black Alliance. You'll do each exercise for 30 seconds (30 seconds per side of some exercises), moving as quickly as you can from one to the other while still maintaining good form.

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If at the end of 5 minutes, you still want more, run through it again to reap even more core-crushing, ab-sculpting benefits.

Move 1: Commando Plank

Time 30 Sec
Region Full Body
  1. Start in a high plank (the top of a push-up) so that you're supporting yourself on your hands and toes, body forming a straight line from head to heels.
  2. Lower one elbow/forearm to the ground.
  3. Then move the other arm down so that both forearms are flat on the ground.
  4. Pause, then take the arm that went down first and plant that hand on the mat. Push yourself up on that side.
  5. Then take the other arm, plant your hand and push yourself back up to the top position of a push-up.
  6. On the next rep, switch the arm that goes down first.
  7. Repeat for 30 seconds.

Move 2: Side Plank Rotation

Time 1 Min
Region Core
  1. Start lying on one side.
  2. Press your bottom forearm into the floor and press up into a side plank, supporting your full body weight with your forearm and your bottom foot.
  3. Raise your top hand toward the ceiling.
  4. Twist your torso as you reach under your body with your top arm. Don't cave in toward the floor or round your upper back. The movement should come from your torso, not your arms or hips.
  5. Lift back up, then keep twisting for 30 seconds.
  6. Repeat on the other side for another 30 seconds.

Move 3: Plank With Glute Kickback

Time 30 Sec
Region Full Body
  1. Start in a high plank (the top of a push-up) so that you're supporting yourself on your hands and toes, body forming a straight line from head to heels.
  2. Bend one leg at the knee and pulse your foot up toward the ceiling 10 times.
  3. Lower that leg to the ground and switch sides.
  4. Repeat for the remainder of the 30 seconds.

Move 4: Side Plank Crunch

Time 1 Min
Region Core
  1. Start lying on one side.
  2. Press your bottom hand into the floor and press up into a side plank, supporting your full body weight with your hand and your bottom foot.
  3. Raise your arm above your head.
  4. Bend your top knee and crunch your obliques, bending to bring your top elbow to meet your knee.
  5. Straighten out, then keep crunching for 30 seconds.
  6. Repeat on the other side for another 30 seconds.

Move 5: Plank With Single-Arm Reach

Time 30 Sec
Region Full Body
  1. Start in a high plank, balancing on your hands and toes, body in a straight line from head to hips to heels.
  2. Slowly reach one arm forward until your elbow is straight.
  3. Pause for one second, then pull that arm back and plant your elbow so that you're in a high plank again.
  4. Alternate arms with each rep for the remainder of the 30 seconds.

Move 6: Spiderman Plank

Time 30 Sec
Region Full Body
  1. Press up into a high plank with your weight in your hands and toes. Keep your body in line from head to hips to heels.
  2. Draw your bellybutton toward your spine and squeeze your glutes to keep your back from rounding or arching.
  3. Draw your right knee toward your right elbow, crunching your obliques as you do.
  4. Set the foot back so that you're in a high plank again.
  5. Crunch your left knee to your left elbow.
  6. Keep switching off for the remainder of the 30 seconds.

Move 7: Pike Plank

Time 30 Sec
Region Full Body
  1. Get into a high plank with both feet on a slider, towel, piece of paper or wear socks on both feet on a smooth floor.
  2. While keeping your legs straight, slide both feet in toward your hands as you lift your hips into the air using your core muscles. Your body should make an inverted V shape.
  3. Slide your feet back out and return to a high plank.