Try the 10x10 Butt Workout to Sculpt Your Glutes in Minutes

You can try this 10x10 butt workout pretty much anywhere.
Image Credit: dabldy/iStock/GettyImages

Looking for a way to boost your backside in only 10-minutes a day? This 10x10 glute workout from Josh Honore, NASM-CPT, coach for Row House will strengthen, lift and tone your derrière in no time.


Collectively, the three glute muscles — gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus — make up the largest muscle group in your body. They also play an active role in many daily functions like walking, running and squatting. So maintaining adequate strength in this muscle group is critical to keeping you moving well and without injury.

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For the following glute workout, you'll perform 10 reps of each exercise with very little rest in between. Minimizing your down time allows you to squeeze a workout in when time is tight. It also kicks your heart rate into high gear, turning your body into a calorie-burning machine.

Honore chose exercises that target not only the glute muscles but also your quads, calves, hips and core muscles for a well-rounded lower-body workout. These moves also require balance and stability, so you can improve your posture and coordination and reduce the risk of lower back pain.

Try This 10x10 Glute Workout


Do:​ a few minutes of light cardio activity, such as jogging in place or high knees. You can also throw in a few dynamic stretches such as side and forward leg swings.

Move 1: Standing Hip Abduction

Move 1: Standing Hip Abduction
Image Credit: Josh Honore/
Reps 10
Activity Body-Weight Workout
Body Part Butt
  1. Stand with your feet together and shift your weigh to to your left foot.
  2. Lift your left leg out to the side for two to three seconds, only going as high as you can without leaning or losing your balance.
  3. Lower the leg back down to bring the thighs together.
  4. Do 10 on each leg.


Stand tall and keep your upper body centered throughout the movement. You should only move through your hips.

Move 2: Donkey Kick

Move 2: Donkey Kick
Image Credit: Josh Honore/
Reps 10
Activity Body-Weight Workout
Body Part Butt
  1. Start on all fours with your wrists below your shoulders and your knees below your hips.
  2. Keeping your hips square to the ground and your knees bent at a 90-degree angle, squeeze your glutes to lift your right foot toward the sky as if you are stamping the bottom of your shoe on the ceiling.
  3. Maintain a tight core and don’t arch your back.
  4. Inhale as you lower the leg back down.
  5. Do 10 reps on each leg.


Keep your core muscles engaged during the entire movement and your back straight. Only raise your leg to the height of your hip.

Move 3: Fire Hydrant

Move 3: Fire Hydrant
Image Credit: Josh Honore/
Reps 10
Activity Body-Weight Workout
Body Part Butt
  1. Start on all fours with your toes curled under and your feet flexed.
  2. Line up your knees directly under your hips and your shoulders directly over your wrists.
  3. Keeping the 90-degree bend in the right leg, slowly lift and open that bent leg outward.
  4. Keep your neck long and jaw away from either side of your shoulders, avoiding hunching your shoulders.
  5. Do 10 reps on each leg.


Keep your core muscles engaged during the entire movement. When raising the working leg, don’t let your weight shift over to the support side. Only raise your leg to the height of your hip.

Move 4: Bulgarian Split Squat

Move 4: Bulgarian Split Squat
Image Credit: Josh Honore/
Reps 10
Activity Body-Weight Workout
Body Part Butt
  1. Stand about three feet in front of a workout bench or chair, facing away from it.
  2. Keeping your right foot rooted on the floor, lift your left foot up onto the bench, toes tucked under.
  3. With shoulders and hips squared forward, place the weight of your body mainly in your right heel.
  4. Bend the right knee to a 90-degree angle. Simultaneously bend the left knee and lower toward the ground.
  5. Press into your right heel and straighten your front leg to return to standing.
  6. Do 10 reps on each leg.


Drop straight down when squatting. Keep your back straight and avoid bending at the waist and leaning forward.

Move 5: Glute Bridge

Move 5: Glute Bridge
Image Credit: Josh Honore/
Reps 10
Activity Body-Weight Workout
Body Part Butt
  1. Lie on your back with your arms at your sides, feet flat on the ground and knees bent.
  2. On an exhale, squeeze your glutes, press into your heels and drive your hips up toward the sky.
  3. Raise your hips until you form a diagonal line from knees to hips to chest.
  4. Pause here for a moment.
  5. Reverse the motion and return to the starting position.


Push your heels into the ground to help lift your hips off the floor. Avoid raising your hips too high.

Move 6: Glute March

Move 6: Glute March
Image Credit: Josh Honore/
Reps 10
Activity Body-Weight Workout
Body Part Butt
  1. Lie on your back with your arms at your sides, feet flat on the ground and knees bent.
  2. On an exhale, squeeze your glutes, press into your heels and drive your hips up toward the sky.
  3. Raise your hips until you form a diagonal line from knees to hips to chest.
  4. Lift one knee toward your chest.
  5. Set that foot back down and repeat on the other leg.
  6. Lower back down to the ground and repeat.


Keep your pelvis steady when marching and keep your body in a straight line — don’t let your hips sag down.

Move 7: Romanian Deadlift

Move 7: Romanian Deadlift
Image Credit: Josh Honore/
Reps 10
Activity Barbell Workout
Body Part Butt
  1. Stand with a neutral back and holding a weight (barbell or dumbbells) against your thighs. Your knees should be slightly bent and shoulder blades should be in a down and back position.
  2. Without allowing your low back or shoulders to round or your knees to lock, hinge forward at your hips as you control the weight toward the floor.
  3. When you feel the tension increasing in your hamstrings at the back of your thighs, pause for a second.
  4. Push your heels into the floor and thrust your hips forward as you stand up.


The deadlift requires a hip hinge. If you’re not familiar with a hip hinge, practice it before performing the deadlift. When doing the full movement, keep the weight close to your legs as you hinge at the hips. Dumbbells or barbell should be an inch from your thighs.

If you don't have weights, turn this into a good morning exercise by placing your hands behind your head and stopping when your chest is parallel to the floor.

Move 8: Lunge

Move 8: Lunge
Image Credit: Josh Honore/
Reps 10
Activity Body-Weight Workout
Body Part Butt
  1. Start standing up tall, then step a few feet forward with your left foot.
  2. Bend both knees to 90 degrees, with your back knee hovering just above the ground and your front knee either over your ankle.
  3. You can keep your hands on your hips or hanging by your sides.
  4. Hold for a beat before pushing off your front foot, returning back to standing and repeating on the other leg.


Keep your torso straight and core engaged. Avoid bending at the waist and leaning your upper body forward. If you need support, hold onto a wall or chair while you lunge.

Move 9: Sumo Squat

Move 9: Sumo Squat
Image Credit: Josh Honore/
Reps 10
Activity Body-Weight Workout
Body Part Butt
  1. Stand with your feet significantly wider than hip-distance apart (about three to four feet), turn your toes out 45 degrees and hold your hands by your sides.
  2. Lower yourself down by bending your knees and hips, raising your hands to meet under your chin. Keep your abs tight, back straight and do not let your knees move past your toes when lowering.
  3. Once your thighs parallel the floor, root through your heels and rise back up.


Make sure to point your toes out to 45 degrees or more. Although this is primarily a glute move, sumo squats also activate the adductors, so make sure you feel the inner thighs working, especially as you squat.

Move 10: Pause Squat

Move 10: Pause Squat
Image Credit: Josh Honore/
Reps 10
Activity Body-Weight Workout
Body Part Butt
  1. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart and your hands by your sides.
  2. Hinge at your knees and hips as if you were sitting back into a chair and raise your arms so they're parallel to the floor to help with your balance.
  3. At the bottom of the squat, your thighs should be parallel to the floor (or lower if hip flexibility allows), and your knees should be over your toes, not flaring out to the side or caving in toward the midline of your body.
  4. Pause for 3 seconds.
  5. Press through your heels and stand up straight.


Squat to parallel, then hold for 3 seconds. If parallel is painful or you have knee, ankle or hip problems, do a 1/4 squat.