Strengthen Your Body and Calm Your Mind With This 20-Minute Vinyasa Yoga Flow

Vinyasa yoga flows like choreography. As you dance from pose to pose, you sync your breath to your movement for a faster-paced sequence than some gentler forms of yoga.

But as with other types of yoga, a Vinyasa flow still provides the perfect opportunity for a more mindful workout. And to do that, at the beginning of this 20-minute session, yoga instructor and meditation specialist Hailey Lott invites you to reflect before you get started.



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"Tune into your 'why,'" she says. "Why you turned on this video, why you're here, why you're ready to move your body."

Lott encourages you to come back to that intention throughout your practice — especially as the routine grows more challenging. Still, even new yogis will enjoy this workout; she offers plenty of modifications for the more intense poses.

So grab a mat and focus on your "why" as you stretch and recenter during this beginner-friendly flow.

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The Workout

Lott will guide you fluidly from one pose to the next. If the pace feels challenging, pause the video as needed.

  1. Seated Position:​ Sit comfortably and self-reflect.
  2. Cat-Cow:​ Stack your shoulders above your wrists and your hips above your knees.
  3. Barrel Roll:​ "This is where you get to have a little fun and really start to listen to what your body needs," Lott says.
  4. Thread the Needle:​ Press a little deeper into your planted palm and pull your opposite arm farther under your chest to intensify the shoulder stretch.
  5. Downward Dog:​ Your first Downward Dog may feel a little stiff, so bend your knees and pedal your feet as needed.
  6. Leg Lift:​ Lift one heel at a time toward the ceiling, making circles with the knee or bringing it toward the chest to open up your hips.
  7. Forward Fold:​ Stepping your feet to the front of the mat, come into a wide-stance forward fold, dropping your upper body toward the floor.
  8. Mountain Pose:​ Stand tall and "take a moment here to tap into your 'why' again," Lott says.
  9. Goal Post Position:​ Open up your chest as you lower your arms into two right angles.
  10. Plank:​ With palms and shoulders stacked, shift your weight forward and contract your abs.
  11. Modified Chaturanga​: Keep your knees on the ground as you lower your chest.
  12. Baby Cobra:​ With your hips rooted and palms in line with your chest, press into your hands to lift up.
  13. Child's Pose:​ "Drop down just for a moment to pause here and reset," Lott says.
  14. Downward Dog:​ Use your breath to recenter here.
  15. Forward Fold:​ Come back into a forward fold and bring your palms to yours shins. With a flat back, lift halfway.
  16. Goal Post Position:​ Inhale as you reach toward the ceiling, and exhale as you lower your arms.
  17. Low Lunge (Left):​ With your left foot forward, reach your arms up. Then bring them back to the goal post position as you sink deeper into the lunge.
  18. Hip Stretch (Left):​ Plant both palms inside of your left foot for a deep stretch in the right hip.
  19. Repeat steps 10 through 16.
  20. Low Lunge (Right):​ Focus on matching your breath to the movement of your arms and legs.
  21. Hip Stretch (Right):​ "Lengthen your exhale, using the breath to not only anchor your mind, but really dropping your nervous system into a state of rest," Lott says.
  22. Repeat steps 10 through 14.
  23. High Boat:​ Either keep both feet on the floor and your hands behind your knees, or lift your feet for an extra ab challenge.
  24. Bridge:​ Work up to a full glute bridge position with your hips lifted toward the ceiling, arms at your sides.
  25. Spinal Twist:​ With knees bent, drop your legs slowly to each side. "Breathe into this beautiful spinal stretch, and if you like a little bit more, maybe you look over your shoulder," Lott says.
  26. Savasana:​ Find your most comfortable resting position lying on the floor.
  27. Seated Position:​ When you're ready, return to sitting and press your palms together in front of your chest. End your practice by thinking about what you're grateful for, she says.


Pause the video to spend as much time as you want to relax in Savasana, Lott says. She recommends at least 5 minutes.

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