You’ll Do 50 Push-Ups Before This Song Is Over Without Even Realizing It

Before this song is over, you'll complete 50 push-ups.
Image Credit: Drazen_/E+/GettyImages

Would you rather clean the kitchen or drop down and perform 50 push-ups? For most of us, it's a tough choice. But even the most challenging exercises (or chores) are made better with music.


All you need is a good song, like "Know Your Worth" by Khalid and Disclosure to forget you're working out. Throw this song onto your workout playlist and give this routine a try, courtesy of April Whitney, certified personal trainer. By the end of the song, you'll have finished 50 push-ups without even realizing it.

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First Verse: High Side Plank to Push-Up

  1. Start lying on your left side with your legs stacked, left palm on the floor.
  2. On an exhale, press into your left palm and extend your arm, raising your hips and legs off the floor so that your feet and left palm are the only parts of the body still touching the ground.
  3. Extend your right arm straight up toward the ceiling in line with your shoulder.
  4. Pause here for a moment, then come to a high plank, keeping your left palm and arm in place, shifting your body over to place your right palm on the ground, arm straight.
  5. Lower your body into a push-up, bending your arms at a 45-degree angle from your ribs.
  6. Once your chest is just above the ground, press into your palms and come back to a high plank.
  7. Finally, shift to a side plank on your right side, keeping your right palm rooted, shifting your body to open up toward the left. Pause here before moving into the next push-up and repeating the exercise.

Reps: Alternate between right and left side planks for a total of 8 push-ups.


If the side plank is too challenging to hold, you can lower the knee closest to the ground for some extra support.

Chorus: Standard Push-Up

  1. Start in a high plank, palms directly beneath your shoulders, back flat.
  2. With your core engaged, bend your elbows at 45 degrees from your ribs and lower your body toward the ground.
  3. When your chest is an inch or two above the ground, press into your palms and press your shoulder blades away from one another, straightening your arms.


Reps: 10

Post-Chorus: Hollow Hold Active Rest

  1. Lie on your back with your legs extended and together, arms overhead, elbows by your ears.
  2. On an exhale, raise your legs a few inches off the ground. Simultaneously, raise your head, arms and shoulder blades a few inches up off the floor.
  3. Engage your core and hollow out your lower belly, keeping your lower back pressing against the ground.


Reps: Hold until next verse begins, taking quick pauses as needed.


Second Verse: Push-Up to Toe Touch

  1. Start in a high plank, hands in line with your shoulders, body in a straight line from head to hips to heels.
  2. Lower your body into a push-up and bend your elbows at a 45-degree angle from your ribs.
  3. Press into your palms to return to the high plank, pulling your shoulder blades apart.
  4. Keeping your left palm rooted, reach for your left toes with your right hand, raising your hips up toward the ceiling and pressing into your left palm.
  5. Come back to the high plank and perform another push-up and toe touch with the opposite arm and foot.


Reps: Alternate sides for 5 push-ups total.

Chorus: Toe Push-Up

  1. Start in a high plank, palms directly beneath your shoulders, back flat.
  2. With your core engaged, bend your elbows at a 45-degree angle from your ribs and lower your body toward the ground.
  3. When your chest is an inch or two off the ground, push into your palms and press your shoulder blades away from one another, straightening your arms.


Reps: 10

Post-Chorus: Hollow Hold Active Rest

  1. Lie on your back with your legs extended and together, arms overhead, elbows by your ears.
  2. On an exhale, raise your legs a few inches off the ground. Simultaneously, raise your head, arms and shoulder blades a few inches up off the floor.
  3. Engage your core and hollow out your lower belly, keeping your lower back pressing against the ground.


Reps: Hold until next verse begins, taking quick pauses as needed..

Interlude: Push-Up to Knee Tuck Hop

  1. Start in a high plank, hands beneath your shoulders and back flat.
  2. Drop into a push-up, bending your arms and lowering the body toward the ground.
  3. Press back up into a high plank.
  4. Keeping your palms rooted and back flat, press your hips up toward the ceiling and hip your feet up toward your hands, legs straight.
  5. Rebound quickly and hop your legs back into the high plank before you drop into your next push-up.


Reps: 5


For the knee tuck portion of this exercise, only hop your feet forward as far as you can go with good form. Avoid bending your knees and rounding your back.

Post-Chorus: Knee Push-Ups

  1. Start in a high plank, hands in line with your shoulders and back flat.
  2. Drop your knees down to the ground, keeping your body in a straight line from head to hips to knees.
  3. Bend your elbows at a 45-degree angle from your ribs and lower the body toward the ground.
  4. Once your chest hovers just above the ground, press into your palms and extend the arms.

Reps: 12