How to Lose Weight After Stopping Progesterone

Eating more fruits and vegetables can help you to lose weight after taking progesterone.

Progesterone is a hormone prescribed for a variety of reasons, such as treating endometriosis or replacing hormones lost during menopause. Progesterone helps in the control of hot flashes in women but can have side effects, according to the Mayo Clinic. One of the most common side effects is weight gain. If you've recently stopped taking progesterone, you may want to lose weight that you gained while taking the hormone. With a special diet and hard work, weight loss after discontinuing progesterone is possible.


Step 1

Limit your daily salt intake to 2,000 mg or less to help your body get rid of any water weight you've gained while taking progesterone. The website Ask the Dietitian explains that hormones such as progesterone cause not only fat gain but also water retention. By limiting your salt, you can assist the natural flushing of excess water. Don't add salt to your foods. Instead try using fresh herbs and spices. It's also wise to avoid frozen meals and canned vegetables, as they are often laden with sodium.

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Step 2

Decrease your caloric intake by 250 calories a day to lose half a pound per week or by 500 calories to lose one pound per week. Weight loss is simply a mathematical equation, according to Ask the Dietitian. Use a food journal and an online nutritional database such as to track the foods you eat and analyze their nutrition information.

Step 3

Replace fatty foods with fruits, vegetables and lean meats. Doing so automatically reduces your caloric intake, because fat contains more calories per gram than protein or carbohydrates. The Weight Control Information Network recommends choosing only lean meats such as skinless chicken breasts and fish instead of fatty meats such as steak, ground beef and pork. Try to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables every day to help you feel full.


Step 4

Exercise for 30 minutes or more at least five days a week. You can do this with any type of exercise that you enjoy, whether it is running, dancing, swimming or working out in a gym. You may have already been exercising, but because progesterone caused you to gain weight, you need to exercise more often and more intensely to lose that weight. It may take several months for the weight to come off, but as progesterone levels decrease in your body and you continue to burn calories, you will notice a difference.

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